
Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 2 Now Available

We previously posted about our new monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts". This newsletter summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages.

Our next issue is now out, available at the below link! The previous issue can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


All User Bulletin - Printing Error with Mac Devices

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Printing Error with Mac Devices 

Recently, printing difficulties have emerged for some Apple Macintosh users who have upgraded to the latest (Sonoma) version of MacOS. Attempts to print from Connect Care to a local printer fail, giving a "printer not activated" error message. Not all local printers are affected. 

The issue relates to how Citrix Workspace, which Connect Care operates within, accesses local printers. Citrix is expected to release a software update to fix the problem. We will post here when this becomes available.

A temporary workaround is to find and use the "print to pdf" local printer. The resulting pdf file can then be opened on the Macintosh computer and printed as needed. Any saved pdf files with patient information should be immediately deleted following printing.


CMIO Optimization Support for Connect Care Users

With 11,174 professionals having completed Chief Medical Information Office (CMIO) training for Connect Care, the CMIO has developed a four-tier optimization training strategy to foster continuous learning for those in previous launches (Waves 1-3 and Launches 4-7). 

All Connect Care users who fall under the scope of CMIO training will be able to access optimization support via their local leadership. Users can combine facets of optimization from any tier, in any order, to best address their unique needs. 

In Tiers 1 and 3, users can drive their own learning through the available resources and modules; in Tiers 2 and 4, Medical Informatics Leads, Super Users, and Zone Clinical Department Heads will help champion this learning for their colleagues and staff.

For more information, see the Optimization Training page in the Connect Care Manual.


Improve Patient Care and Outcomes with Key Dashboards in Connect Care

Three new feedback dashboards are made available in Connect Care as part of the Acute Care Bundle Improvement (ACBI) Initiative, which helps clinicians and managers improve quality of care and patient outcomes (learn more about ACBI here). Most managers, prescribers, Quality Management teams and reporting users will have access to these dashboards.

  • Minimum Use Norms Feedback – Group and Personal Dashboards
    • "Minimum Use Norms" are a set of practices that all clinicians should follow to assure safe and equitable use of Connect Care. Without them, decision supports, documentation aids, and inquiry supports do not work to clinician or patient advantage.
    • The individual dashboard provides feedback about trends in norms compliance. This information can help clinicians identify potential workflow challenges and consider options for optimizing both the user's experience and the quality of the health record.
    • The group dashboard provides anonymized group data to clinical oversight groups (e.g., unit managers), again helping recognize opportunities for both Connect Care and workflow optimization.
  • Meaningful Use Norms Feedback - Group Dashboard
    • "Meaningful Use Norms" are about how a clinical information system is used in ways that promote improved quality and efficiency of care. They apply to all clinicians. Connect Care contains tools and supports for meaningful use, but these depend on good compliance with minimum use norms.

The ACBI Initiative is a provincial quality improvement project that aims to integrate, or "bundle" evidence-informed best-practice projects under a common framework and shared user supports. This integration and coordination makes improvement projects more consistent, aligned and manageable for providers and patients across AHS. Examples of patient experience goals include: 

  • Fewer unnecessary days spent in hospital. 
  • Fewer avoidable readmissions to the hospital after discharge. 
  • Safer continuity of care across transitions from home to hospital to community care.

For information about accessing and using to Minimum and Meaningful Use dashboards: 


Obtaining CPD Credit for Connect Care Training

Connect Care physician training is currently eligible for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) credit with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, for self-directed and group learning activities. Credits through the College of Family Physicians of Canada have been offered in the past, however, they are currently unavailable. The CMIO is in the process of reviewing eligibility with the College of Family Physicians of Canada. When there is an update, we will post it here.

More information about available credit types and weights, together with procedures for claiming credits, is provided in a tip sheet, included in the Connect Care Manual:


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All User Bulletin - PowerMic 4 Issues

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

PowerMic 4 Not Compatible on Thin Clients

Dragon Medical One (DMO) requires a microphone to function. Connect Care provides the PowerMic Mobile (PMM) application as the default microphone solution for prescribers, but some may prefer to use wired/USB microphones. USB microphones are not a standard offering at AHS, and microphone peripherals are the responsibility of the user to purchase as bring your own device (BYOD).

Prescribers across the zones have reported issues with using their PowerMic 4 with an AHS device. While the PowerMic 4 may work on personal devices and some AHS full clients, PowerMic 4 is not currently fully supported on all AHS devices. In particular, they are not supported on AHS thin clients, which are the more common type of workstation in the North Zone. 

The AHS technology teams are currently in the process of testing PowerMic 4. In the meantime, prescribers are encouraged to use other tools such as the PMM app, or a device that is certified as being compatible with all AHS devices, such as PowerMic 3; see the 1-pager for a list of all compatible devices. 


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Issues with eScription

Some users have reported issues using the provincial eScription services. The in-system dictation system, Dragon Medical One, is strongly recommended for optimal user experience, and the eScription service will be decommissioned in the near future. 

If a clinician has to use eScription and experiences issues, refer to the Insite page for help, or contact IT Solution Center at 1-877-311-4300.


Launch 7: We are GO!

All Connect Care systems activated on time at 05:00! 

Today, Connect Care welcomes 79 sites from across the province into the family; with this launch, all acute care AHS sites are now on Connect Care! The first few days will be intense, but with lots of help at hand we are confident that progress will be fast. 

Prescribers, please make use of the drop-in centres and other launch supports (launchhelp.connect-care.ca). Watch this channel for any updates, as well as the Support channel for information on "hot topic" common issues that have been flagged for Launch 7 prescribers.



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Problem Power - Tips and Training about Problem Lists

Connect Care Problem List management can seem daunting at first. With a little familiarity, however, problem skills can improve the Connect Care user experience, while reducing information burdens and increasing patient safety.

Consistent problem list management is a Connect Care minimum use norm. It is also a prerequisite for problem-oriented charting, which further promotes efficient and effective clinical documentation.  

In tandem with Launch 7, the "Problem Power" tips series (problemlists.connect-care.ca) will re-post daily. Short tips illustrate little things that can make problem list management easier and more impactful.

A full list of all Problem Power tips, in order, is maintained in the Clinician Manual:

Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers

We're happy to announce that we have started a monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts". This newsletter will summarize key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages!

The first issue is now out, available at the below link. Each new issue will be announced here, and an archive will be made available in the Connect Care Manual. 

If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


Ambulatory Tips, Tricks, and Traps - Launch 7 Prescriber Support Session

The ambulatory component of basic Connect Care training for prescribers who also provide acute care is necessarily streamlined. However, some prescribers with a significant ambulatory workload may feel like they have not had sufficient exposure to the ambulatory tools and workflows in Connect Care via basic training to be comfortable navigating the Connect Care clinical information system during a busy clinic come launch. To help these users, the CMIO will be hosting an additional ambulatory support session. 

This 1-hour Zoom session is an opportunity to see ambulatory workflows in action, to hear advice from providers who have been using Connect Care in busy outpatient practices, and to ask questions – all in anticipation of your first day in clinic on Connect Care. To join, click the Zoom link below; if you are unable to attend, a recording will be posted here.

Note that there are also still a few upcoming support sessions for Launch 7 prescribers regarding therapy plans (October 27 and 31). These sessions demonstrate the process of ordering therapy plans, and will prepare you for entering orders post-launch and when asked to review converted legacy orders prior to launch. For more information on the therapy plan support sessions, see this post.


Important Updates to Referral Workflows

As of October 27, 2023, updates will be made to outpatient referral orders in Connect Care, including a requirement in the order composer for referral reason details to be entered in the "Comments" section. Details of the enhancements are described in a Support posting.

The change could affect prescribers who have already saved personalizations of referral orders. Any saved personal defaults for the Comments field in specific referral orders will need to be redone. Users with Order Sets and Smart Sets with customized documentation in the Comments section of the referral orders can save their current customizations and re-enter these after the October 27 change. Customized referral orders in preference lists are not affected. 

Why are we making these changes? 

Referral triage and management are key to ensuring timely access to services. We have received important feedback from prescribers that both order and receive referrals. Many referrals are being entered that do not have enough clinical information to be useful. For those receiving referrals, the information that they require to make triage, scheduling, and treatment decisions is not always available to them in a useful format. 

A group of prescribers with representation from surgical and medical specialties, as well as primary care, were consulted about improving referral management. Additional enhancements are planned in the future.


All User Bulletin - Internet Security Certificate Update

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Internet Security Certificate Update - Personal devices may require user action

On October 19 and 20, 2023, AHS IT Identity and Directory Services will renew its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate servers. This PKI service manages electronic security certificates and unique electronic keys that verify end users, devices, systems and servers throughout AHS and its affiliates. AHS devices and personal devices enrolled in the AHS Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program will not be impacted, but personal devices not enrolled in BYOD may be impacted and require user action.

  • AHS devices and personal devices enrolled in BYOD: No action is required by users if their computer or mobility device is enrolled in BYOD. PKI certificates will be automatically updated.
  • Personal devices not enrolled in BYOD:
    • Android devices: Will not be impacted, with the possible exception of Google Pixel devices. Google Pixel users experiencing issues following the PKI update should call the IT Service Desk (see memo for more details).
    • Windows and Apple devices: May be impacted with this change. Users may see warnings to the effect that a security certificate cannot be verified, and will then need to follow a few simple steps to restore AHS Restrict wireless connectivity following the PKI update (see memo for more details).

For instructions for affected Google Pixel, Window, and Apple device users on what actions may be required on or after the PKI update is completed, see the memo.


Connect Care Staff and Prescriber Engagement Session - Follow-Up

As previously posted, AHS recently hosted a session for AHS staff and prescribers to discuss the findings of the Connect Care satisfaction survey conducted earlier this year, and to hear thoughts on the actions that are being taken to address the feedback received through the survey.

For those who were not able to attend, or for those wanting to revisit the discussion, both a recording of the session and the slide presentation are available. Below is also an outline of the key themes captured at the session:

  • Decision Making
    • Empower Clinical System Design (CSD) groups and councils to be more to implement workflow redesigns
    • Integrate multidisciplinary care team access and alignment with scope of practice, community provider access
  • Optimization
    • Improve ticket response times
    • Enable specific workflows to improve efficiency
    • Improve consistency and ease of referrals inside and outside of AHS
    • Create a more user-friendly Medical Administration Record (MAR)
  • Education
    • Provide more training and access for administrative staff to support providers
    • Provide greater support and education for optimization in specific care areas
    • Improve broader understanding as to how different care areas intersect in Connect Care
    • Provide additional support needed for ongoing staff training and education through clinical nurse educators where there is capacity to do so
  • Support & Communication
    • Include administrative staff in surveys to get an understanding of their experience using Connect Care
    • Provide more ongoing support at the elbow or through regular scheduled interactions
    • Provide more downtime support
    • Expand the use of reminder emails, texts or phone calls

AHS will continue to have open dialogue with AHS staff and prescribers on the findings of the Connect Care satisfaction survey and next steps, including through future sessions. We will post information on these sessions here, once they are confirmed.

If you have feedback regarding the themes listed above, or any other questions or comments about your experience with Connect Care, please email ConnectCare@ahs.ca.


Update Your Applications to Protect Yourself and AHS

AHS has recently learned of a global security flaw found in numerous applications and services.

This vulnerability (found in an image library called “libwebp”) affects several well-known applications, including many you may use on your personal devices such as Skype, Slack, Discord, Twitch, Microsoft Teams and Adobe Photoshop. A list of currently known applications can be found here.

As soon as possible, please update all browsers and applications on your personal devices. As a best practice, you should always keep your browsers, applications and operating systems up-to-date. This will be particularly important over the coming days and weeks, as applications discover whether they are vulnerable to this security flaw and apply fixes. 

AHS is taking steps to mitigate any risk to this threat and taking similar actions to protect our systems and devices. We are sharing this information with all staff so you can help us keep AHS secure and ensure your own devices are protected.

For more information on how to protect yourself and AHS online, visit Infocare for resources.

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Connect Care Satisfaction Survey - Conversation on Findings (UPDATED LINK for Sep 21)

Connect Care prescribers are invited to a conversation about what is working and what to prioritize for improvement in the Connect Care clinical information system.

This conversation will provide an opportunity to discuss the findings of the Connect Care satisfaction survey conducted in February and March 2023 (previously mentioned here), and to hear your thoughts on the actions that are being taken to address your feedback. 

Two sessions are available for this conversation: one jointly hosted by AHS and the AMA, and one hosted by AHS for AHS staff and prescribers. To register/attend, click on the relevant link below. (Please note: Physicians may receive two email invitations, one for each of these sessions - physicians can choose to attend one or both sessions, at their convenience.) 

If you have any questions in advance of the conversation, please email community.engagement@ahs.ca.


MyAHS Connect - Prescriber Self Sign-up Available

We previously posted that the ability for Connect Care prescribers and AHS staff to activate their own MyAHS Connect account had to be temporarily turned off following the Fall Upgrade. We are happy to announce that a workaround has been found, and this self sign-up functionality has been turned back on. 

The self sign-up initiative enables Connect Care prescribers to activate their own MyAHS Connect account and experience firsthand the benefits of a full-feature patient portal. Personal access can also help clinicians help patients who ask questions about patient portal functions. Nearly 5,200 AHS staff and prescribers have completed the self sign-up process to activate their own MyAHS Connect account.

Instructions on how to complete a self sign-up request are available on Insite (the AHS intranet). Note that the links will only work when logged on to an intranet (within AHS) location. It is also possible to open the Clinician Manual from within Connect Care (F1 key for pop-up help, then Clinician Manual link at top of middle column), go to the Patient Portal page, then follow the sign-up link from there:


All User Bulletin - Issues with Links to AHS MS Office and SharePoint Files

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Links to MS Office and SharePoint Assets
Many users have noticed broken links to resources like training demonstrations, workflow guides and other Connect Care information and support resources. Others are having difficulty with the logon step presented when accessing Alberta Health Services (AHS) Office or SharePoint applications, especially on mobile and Apple devices.

A recent update to the authentication step in Microsoft file links may relate to these difficulties.

Links and logons are usually re-established with the following corrective:
  • Close all Internet browsers (Safari, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) on the local device.
  • Open a preferred browser (Chrome recommended).
  • Clear the Internet cache (history), paying particular attention to include "Cookies" and Internet history for "all time" (i.e., not just the last day or so).
  • Close the browser.
  • Reopen (possibly reboot the computer first) the browser and re-navigate to the resource of interest.

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All User Bulletin - Change to Calgary Historic Patient Data Viewer

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Changes to Calgary Historic Patient Data Viewer
We previously posted about a read-only Connect Care viewer for digital health record information previously managed through the Calgary Zone SCM clinical information system (CIS). Access was provided via a main-panel or sidebar display within opened Connect Care charts.
Changes to the Calgary CIS viewer break compatibility with in-system displays. Accordingly, as of 11:00 on September 14, 2023, the viewer will open in a pop-up window. This will continue to automatically synchronize with the current patient. The window will close when one navigates to a different patient within Connect Care.
Restoration of an embedded viewer is anticipated for first quarter 2024.


AHS Expands Use of Multi-factor Authentication for Information Access

We've previously posted about the introduction of a multi-factor authentication (MFA) requirement when accessing AHS email from outside AHS facilities and networks. 

AHS is expanding MFA requirements to increase protection from growing cyber security threats. MFA is a security measure that requires the user to verify their identity during login by using a mobile device app or phone call to a cellphone or landline.

Starting September 13, 2023, users logging in to AHS Insite or SharePoint on a personal device or an AHS device externally without a virtual private network (Netmotion or Forticlient app required) or Citrix Workspace connection will be prompted to authenticate using one of the MFA methods they have already set up. Users are advised to set up at least two MFA access routes, as explained in the following resources:


Using Third-party AI at AHS

Artificial intelligence (AI) can refer to any attempt to simulate human thinking with software. This can include generative AI, large language models (such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT), speech-to-text dictation, and analyzing trends from data sets.

As Alberta Health Services (AHS) considers how to approach the use of third-party AI tools, our workforce is asked to follow these preliminary guidelines for the use of AI at AHS:
  • Do not load any confidential AHS health, personal, or business information into unapproved AI programs or tools.
  • Use caution when accessing AI websites with AHS devices.
For more information:


Direct eFax of Prescriptions from Connect Care to Community Pharmacies

As of July 25, 2023, AHS and AHS partner facilities using the Connect Care clinical information system can send medication prescriptions directly to community pharmacies via an electronic fax ("eFax") process. This avoids the prior need to print, hand-sign, then fax a prescription. Community pharmacists receive these prescriptions via fax, following their usual procedures. The new Connect Care eFax workflow cannot be used for prescriptions for drugs classified as Type 1 under the Tracked Prescription Program (TPP); these prescriptions still require the use of a paper TPP secure prescription form. Note that the eFax option is available for medications only, not supplies such as diabetic supplies. 

This new service has many advantages:

  • Safety - reduced transcription and interpretation errors associated with traditional handwritten paper prescriptions
  • Convenience - prescribers, pharmacies and patients will no longer require manual paper processes, saving time and reducing the change of lost prescriptions
  • Choice - each patient can choose the pharmacy to which their prescription(s) will be transmitted
  • Security - the prescriptions transmitted from Connect Care include new verification features to ensure prescription authenticity
For security and safety, electronically faxed Connect Care prescriptions include an electronic signature linked to the unique username, password and professional registration number of each prescriber (such as a physician's College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta registration number). The electronic signature replaces a handwritten ("wet") signature; consequently, graphic signatures are not required and do not appear on direct-faxed prescriptions. Additionally, each prescription has a unique order number that is specific to that prescription. Community pharmacists have access to a new online real-time validation tool that can verify the authenticity of Connect Care electronic prescriptions.

After the initial go-live date of July 25, Hyperspace must be restarted once for the eFax functionality to be available.

How does this affect prescriber workflow?

To send a prescription via direct electronic fax to a community pharmacy, there are two steps for the ordering prescriber:

  1. Confirm or enter the patient's preferred pharmacy (or pharmacies); and
  2. Change the order class to "Fax" (the default is "Print", including for refills) and select the destination pharmacy (or pharmacies).

A tip sheet further explains these steps. (Note: This workflow should not be used for treatment [therapy] plan medications, as these have specific settings that should not be changed.) Information and resources for community pharmacists are available on ahs.ca.


All User Bulletin - Communication Delay Between POCT Devices and Connect Care

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Communication Delay Between POCT Devices and Connect Care

AegisPOC, the system that controls result transmission between Point of Care Testing (POCT) devices and Connect Care, has been experiencing some delays during regular business hours. Transmitting results from POCT instruments into Connect Care systems could be delayed for: Blood Gases (ABL Radiometer, IL GEM, Avoximeter); Accu-Chek Inform II glucose meters; Abbott i-STAT devices; Siemens Clinitek Status+ urine analyzers; and Siemens DCA Vantage.

  • POCT instruments can still be used and Connect Care systems are available. 
  • Affected POCT results will be transmitted to Connect Care once the backlog has cleared. 
  • DO NOT use the Epic enter/edit function to enter these delayed results. This will cause a result duplication error.


Ordering Therapy Plans - Launch 7 Prescriber-Led Support Sessions

Prescribers who order recurrent, ongoing therapies (IVIG, blood, antimicrobials, procedures, etc.) known as Therapy Plans (pre-defined collection of related/standing orders that apply to multiple/recurrent encounters over time) are invited to attend a prescriber-led demonstration of the workflow. The sessions demonstrate the process of ordering Therapy Plans, and will prepare you for entering orders post-launch and when asked to review converted legacy orders prior to launch.  

The following sessions are scheduled prior to Launch 7. Although important for Launch 7 prescribers who have current patients with scheduled therapies, it is recommended for any prescriber who anticipates using these ordering tools. All Connect Care prescribers and clinicians who order or action Therapy Plans are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Clicking on the hyperlinked date for a session will open a calendar invite for that session, which you can then respond to and receive the meeting information.

For more information, please see the below resources:


All User Bulletin - Default Internet Browser for Connect Care Links

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Default Internet Browser Change in Connect Care
Many workflows within the Connect Care "HyperSpace" workstation environment contain links to Internet resources that can assist users (e.g., Clinician Manual) or provide access to needed documents (e.g., MHA forms), guidance (e.g., eReferences) or decision supports (e.g., calculators). When these open in a pop-up window, they do so in an Internet browser. To date, the browser has been Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE). However, many Internet resources are no longer compatible with IE. 
On July 6, 2023, the default Internet browser for pop-up links will be Microsoft Edge. Users will be aware of this change by noting the background colour of the browser window:
Prescribers do not need to take any action, but may notice slight changes in how some web pages display. Please alert the help desk if a previously working Internet resource fails in a clinically impactful way after this update.


All User Bulletin - Upgrade to Remote Access for Connect Care

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Change to User Interface for Connect Care Remote Access
Clinicians can access Connect Care via Alberta Health Services (AHS) networks in AHS facilities (internal access) using the Unified Access Portal (UAP, myapps.ahs.ca). They can also use Connect Care when outside AHS facilities (external or remote access) via the same UAP link. The experience is similar with the exception that remote logons require a security code in addition to one's AHS user name and password.
On June 28, 2023, the externally accessible UAP is upgraded to a new "VMWare Workspace ONE Platform". This is a "like-for-like" upgrade with few changes to the user experience:
  • Instead of entering a user name, password and security code on a single logon page, the user name and password are entered on a first page, after which a prompt appears to enter the RSA SecurID code if required. This will allow for selective use of security codes in future, prompting only when needed for clinical applications.
  • Users may need to re-create personalized website bookmarks that may have been saved in the prior UAP environment.
  • In some cases, users may need to re-select favourite applications (most previously selected favourites should have ported over).


Dragon Medical One - Launch 6 Personalization Sessions

Personalization sessions for Connect Care's in-system dictation software, Dragon Medical One (DMO), are coming up for Connect Care Launch 6 prescribers. Those in previous launches (1-5) are also welcome to attend.

The personalization sessions are scheduled for the following dates/times:

  • Thursday, June 29, 2023: 18:00-19:00
  • Wednesday, July 5, 2023: 12:00-13:00

Registration is through MyLearningLink (MLL) (course name: Dragon Medical One (DMO) - Dictation Optimization Sessions), and sessions are via Zoom.


Announcement: Calgary Zone Associate Chief Medical Information Officer, Dr. Karmon Helmle

Earlier this spring, Dr. Tom Rich, our ACMIO for the Calgary Zone, announced his retirement. We are pleased to announce that, as of May 24, 2023, Dr. Karmon Helmle has joined the CMIO team as the new ACMIO for the Calgary Zone. Dr. Rich will stay on until the end of June 2023 to support Dr. Helmle and the team during the transition.

Dr. Helmle is a Clinical Assistant Professor within the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Calgary and has been contributing to the informatics team in the Calgary Zone as a Medical Informatics Lead physician for over a decade. She has a Master of Science in Health Informatics from the University of Victoria, with a focus on the barriers and facilitators to electronic order set uptake and sustained use. Her research involves leveraging knowledge translation and quality improvement to develop, implement, optimize, and sustain complex practice change and informatics solutions within inpatient care settings.

Dr. Helmle values teamwork, and as she moves into the ACMIO role, she is looking forward to working collaboratively on the optimization work ahead, with an aim to improve the lives of both patients and healthcare providers.

Please join us in wishing Dr. Rich the best and in welcoming Dr. Helmle to our team!


All User Bulletin - Use of the Database Tab in Procedure (Lab) Orders

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Use of Database Tab in Procedure (Lab) Orders
When prescribers enter orders to an inpatient, emergency or outpatient patient chart, they typically search for an order of interest and then select from the returned options. Order search results can be viewed in one of four "tabs", including "Browse", "Preference List", "Facility List" and "Database":
  • Preference List (usually the default) displays orders matching the search term as well as a preference list for the prescriber's specialty or department.
  • Browse can be selected to explore personal favourites previously flagged for frequent use by the prescriber.
  • Facility List can be selected to reveal orders (e.g., medications, laboratory tests, imaging) that are available for use at the current facility.
  • Database tab appears if the Facility List has been selected and reveals all orderables available throughout Connect Care (Alberta), even if those orders are not available in the current facility.
Prescribers should not use the "Database" tab for procedure (e.g., lab or imaging test) orders. This tab is used, for example, by laboratory staff when sorting out how to fulfill unusual requests. Some orders exposed through the Database tab may not be intended for prescribers or may not be actionable where the prescriber desires. The Database tab is appropriate for prescriber use when seeking medications that are not on the AHS formulary.


Community Providers - Important Information for Delivery of Lab Results

Providers in the community who order lab tests or submit specimens for testing need to take action to ensure they receive these results. If requisitions are incomplete, patients could receive results before their providers. 

Every requisition given to a patient or sent with a specimen (including microbiology and anatomic pathology) needs to contain the authorizing provider’s full name, the clinic name, address, and submitter ID, plus the provider ID for the authorizing provider. 

For more information see: 


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