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All User Bulletin: Admission and Discharge Navigator Optimizations

All-user-bulletins highlight information that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Enhancements to Core Admission and Discharge Navigators

Connect Care uses "Navigators" to help prescribers complete complex workflows when key tasks are easy to forget. Core "Admission" and "Discharge" navigators organize review (e.g., problem, medication and allergy validation), action (e.g., orders) and documentation (e.g., discharge summary) steps that must be completed in a specific order. 

Many users have noted opportunities for improvement. Their requests have been heard and appreciated. A significant optimization goes into production July 30, 2024, including:

  • simple instructions highlighting the most important things to do in order
  • non-essential information moved to popups without cluttering the navigator
  • fewer sections more focused on prescriber priorities
  • careful grouping and ordering of sections to ensure that information dependencies are respected 
  • summary checklists that highlight unfinished tasks with links for getting the work done

The intent, flow and function of the navigators does not change. We hope that users who have come to avoid the admission and discharge navigators will give them a fresh try. An embedded feedback link goes straight to the build team for rapid consideration of any further enhancement opportunities.

For more information:


Connect Care Launch 9, T-minus 100: Countdown Checklist

Starting a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Bookmark Connect Care Countdown Checklist 
A countdown checklist can help prescribers to get ready for their Connect Care launch by breaking a complex undertaking into a series of simple tasks. The order is important, starting with the actions needed to do future work without hassle.

Each checklist item includes brief explanatory notes plus links to relevant tips, demonstrations, resources or guides.

Please subscribe to this blogging channel, where all checklist items are posted. You can also bookmark the checklist-only link and check in periodically.


Connect Care Mobile Apps Outage - Thursday July 25, 2024, 00:00-02:00

There will be an upgrade to the Connect Care mobile applications on Thursday, July 25, 2024, between 00:00 and 02:00. (Note: This upgrade was originally scheduled for July 18.)

  • During the upgrade process, the Connect Care mobile apps Haiku and Canto will be unavailable. 
  • The downtime per device could rage from 30 seconds to 2 minutes (depending on connectivity) while the upgrade is completed. Offline devices will receive the upgrade as soon as they come back online. 
  • Connect Care will be available during this time.

For more information, please contact the AHS Service Desk at 1-877-311-4300.


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All User Bulletin - Laboratory Blood Culture Bottle Shortage

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Laboratory Test Supply Shortage

Supply levels of BD BACTEC blood culture bottles are constrained globally, with a shortage of up to 50% anticipated to last for several months. All microbiology laboratories in Alberta except for the Calgary Hub Lab (DSC) use the BD BACTEC FX Blood culture system; BD BACTEC bottles are required for these instruments and there are no alternative products available. The platform used by the Calgary Hub Lab (DSC) is not affected by this shortage.

All clinicians are asked to follow best practice recommendations for blood culture utilization. See the Laboratory Bulletin for more information.

Consult Order Optimization Project - Adult Surgical Consult Orders

As previously posted, the Consult Order Optimization Project seeks to ensure that inpatient consult orders only exist in facilities where that service is provided using the consult order process. The first phase of the project goes live Tuesday, July 16, 2024, and focuses on Adult Surgical consult orders.

  • Where a consult order does not exist within a facility: 
    • For non-urgent consults or those for telephone advice only, consider calling/paging directly using the Regional On-Call Application (ROCA) or local call schedule information.
    • For urgent consults or for patients requiring inter-facility acceptance/transfer, use the Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order. No phone calls are required, unless the patient condition changes.
    • For hyper-emergent situations requiring the most expeditious consult or transport, call RAAPID by phone directly (do not use Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order).
  • If you detect any errors in the list of affected orders found in the zonal PowerPoint presentations linked below (i.e., a missing order or an order present that should not be), please submit a ticket or call Help Desk 1-877-311-4300. 
    • Please specify which consult order and whether you are the consultant that responds to that consult order or the attending, ED physician or other clinician requesting that service for your patient.

For more information: 


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Consult Order Optimization Project and Consult Order Workflow Changes

The current state of inpatient consult orders in Connect Care has every consult order available in every facility in the province, even if the service is not provided in that facility. The onus is currently on the user to know whether the service is available through use of a consult order. The Consult Order Optimization Project seeks to ensure that inpatient consult orders only exist in facilities where that service is provided using the consult order process.

  • Where a consult order does not exist within a facility: 
    • For non-urgent consults or those for telephone advice only, consider calling/paging directly using the Regional On-Call Application (ROCA) or local call schedule information.
    • For urgent consults or for patients requiring inter-facility acceptance/transfer, use the Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order. No phone calls are required, unless the patient condition changes.
    • For hyper-emergent situations requiring the most expeditious consult or transport, call RAAPID by phone directly (do not use Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order).
  • Site-based consult orders will streamline the applicable orders by site:
    • Empowering ordering users to better understand which services their site receives through the consult order process.
    • Enabling consulting service provider(s) to manage consult lists appropriate to locations where the service is provided.
    • Ensuring orders are not inappropriately placed, where they could end up in unmonitored work queues and therefore be a patient care and/or patient safety issue.

The changes will go live according to the following schedule, affecting the orders listed in the zonal PowerPoint presentations linked at the end of this post. A reminder blog post will be published ahead of each phase (note: the lists of affected orders may change, updated lists will be included in the subsequent blog posts).

  • July 16: Adult Surgical (22 orders)
  • July 30: Pediatric Surgical (19 orders)
  • Aug 13: Pediatric Medical (24 orders)
  • Aug 27: Adult Medical, part 1 (23 orders)
  • Sep 10: Adult Medical, part 2, and Critical Care (23 orders)

If you detect any errors in the list of affected orders (i.e., a missing order or an order present that should not be), please submit a ticket or call Help Desk 1-877-311-4300. Please specify which consult order and whether you are the consultant that responds to that consult order or the attending, ED physician or other clinician requesting that service for your patient.

Consult Order Workflow Changes 

A secondary benefit of the Consult Order Optimization project is that the provider care team field will no longer be required to distinguish between two different services (distinct groups of individual consultants) attempting to share a single consult order.  Please alert the Connect Care team through a ticket if your service has been relying on the provider care team to allow two distinct groups of consultants to share a single consult order so that a net new consult order can be built for your facility. 

  • For attendings entering consult orders: The provider care team field in the inpatient consult order should be left blank and will be removed from consult orders in the future.    
  • For consultants: Prior to ‘completing’ your consult, attach your provider care team to the patient’s Current Encounter Care Team for patients that should be part of your provider care team list.

Additional resources: 


All User Bulletin - Ambulatory Lab Standing Order Maintenance

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Ambulatory Lab Standing Order Maintenance

"Standing orders" relate to pre-authorization of routine tests, procedures or treatments without the need for individualized orders each time. They typically cover future tasks (e.g., labs) performed at intervals.

A recently identified technical issue resulted in the premature release of some instances of patients' standing orders. The problem is fixed. However, the work revealed opportunities for improving standing order prescribing practices:   

  • Be specific when entering one-time (Future Mode) orders
    → Specify a desired date for the expected collection. This prevents delayed or premature collections, while streamlining processing.

  • Automate regularly spaced repeating orders
    → Select the "Auto" status whenever possible.
    → Choose the "Manual" status only for irregular collection intervals or PRN (as needed) orders.

  • Avoid expired standing orders
    If a standing order expires before a lab collection due date (the patient may present to the lab with an old paper requisition), the associated information may be outdated and results may not route correctly.
    → Lab staff will manually enter orders into Connect Care and collect them once.
    → Patients will be advised to return to their provider for new orders before their next scheduled lab appointment to maintain result routing accuracy.

  • Maintain standing orders
    Lab staff are diligently working to collect all open ambulatory orders.
    → Prescribers are urged to review active standing orders during every patient encounter and delete any no longer required.

  • Print and provide lab requisitions
    Alberta lab collection sites are transitioning to paperless workflows.
    → For now, it is still recommended that patients bring printed lab order requisition(s) to collection sites.

For more information:

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Connect Care Launch 9 Countdown

Our countdown timer has re-appeared again (see top of left column, just above the Search box)!

The Connect Care Launch 9 date is set for the early hours of Saturday, November 2, 2024. This wave will bring many sites into the Connect Care fold, (tentatively) including the following:

  • AMH Group Homes: North and Central Zones
  • Community Ambulatory: North and Edmonton Zones; Pharmacy
  • Continuing Care & Seniors: North, Edmonton and South Zones; Pharmacy
  • Corrections: Provincial Correctional Facilities
  • Home Care: North, Edmonton and South Zones; Pharmacy
  • Kidney Care Alberta: Lloydminster
  • Population & Public Health: Provincial and Zonal Communicable and Notifiable Diseases, Medical Officers of Health
  • Workplace Health and Safety: Serology only
  • Affiliates: Covenant Health; Capital Care Group

We are within 120 days from Launch 9. Having learned how important it is to avoid a last-minute rush, our Countdown Checklist (checklist.connect-care.ca) will restart around 100 days prior to Launch 9. This checklist allows prescribers to ensure that requirements are met as they progress from registration through training, proficiency, personalization and launch-readiness. A convenient option is to subscribe to this blog so each Countdown Checklist post is sent directly to your preferred email.


All User Bulletin - Windows Timeout Extended

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Windows Timeout Extended

As of Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 11:00, the Windows timeout for all physicians will be extended, to a total of 19 minutes. This nearly doubles the previous timeout of 10 minutes, and applies to any AHS Windows machine that a physician logs in to.  

  • This change is limited to AHS Windows devices only; personal devices are not impacted.
  • This change applies to the Windows timeout only; Epic and Citrix timeouts are not impacted.
  • After 10 minutes of inactivity, the screen will darken, but not logout. After 9 more minutes of inactivity, the screen will lock.
If your timeout on an AHS Windows machine has not been extended as of Thursday at 11:00, please log out and then log in again. If the problem persists, please contact IT Service Desk at 1-877-311-4300.


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 8 Now Available

    Our monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts", summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages. The next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Dragon Medical One training sessions
    • Optimization Training classes in July
    • Results release changes in MyAHS Connect
    • Diagnostic imaging appointment provider notification change
    • New Meaningful Use Norms metrics
    • Upcoming removal of provider department login restriction
    • Reordering parenteral nutrition
    • Consult Order Optimization Project rollout
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


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    Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels are listed below. Reminder that a camera icon in a blog post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    CMIO Optimization Support for Connect Care Users

    With 11,275 professionals having completed Chief Medical Information Office (CMIO) training for Connect Care, the CMIO has developed a four-fold optimization training strategy to foster continuous learning for those in previous launches (Waves/Launches 1-8). 

    All Connect Care users who fall under the scope of CMIO Training can access a variety of optimization support. The CMIO offers classes on a variety of topics that can be booked here

    In Self-Directed learning and SmartUser training, users can drive their own learning through the available resources and modules, while in Reinforcement (personalization) and Direct Support, MILs and Medical Leaders help champion this learning for their users.

    For more information, see the Optimization Training page in the Connect Care Manual.


    Update on Results Release in MyAHS Connect

    Starting June 18, 2024, five additional test results and their results-related documents will become immediately available to patients in MyAHS Connect (MAC), the online patient tool for Connect Care, without a 5-day hold. 

    • The five test results that will be available without a 5-day hold are:
      • Stress Test
      • Holter Monitor
      • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
      • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
      • Electromyography (EMG)
    • Making these results available in MAC aligns with the release of these same results through MyHealth Records in My Personal Records, the provincial personal health record tool.
    • Currently, patients who have access to MAC can see these test results 5 days after their ordering provider receives them. After June 18, the results and related documents will be available to patients at the same time as the ordering provider, as with other results in MAC.

    In addition to the immediate release of the five tests and their related documents, historical results-related documents for tests that were already viewable in MAC will also be added on June 18. This includes results-related documents for lab, diagnostic imaging and cardiology tests that date back to the start of Connect Care.

    • The historical results-related documents will not appear in the patient's test results, but will be visible in the "Document Center" of MAC. Patients will not receive an alert that these historical results-related documents are available; the documents will simply appear in the tool to view at their convenience.

    As with previous results releases, providers may consider giving patients more information about the implications of different results at the time of ordering a test.

    Physicians and other providers will continue to have access to results through their usual delivery channels, as well as through Alberta Netcare.

    More information on the release of results is available via a 1-pager.


    CMIO Prescriber Drop-in Now Closed

    As we approach the end of the sixth week of Connect Care at the Launch 8 sites, the CMIO Virtual Drop-in Centre has now closed. Though the launch support period may have ended at your site, that is not the end of Connect Care support available for prescribers. 

    It is expected that new users will continue to have questions as they encounter situations perhaps not covered in basic training, or when returning to a workflow they need a refresher on, or when there is an opportunity to dive into some of the more advanced tricks and tools available to get the most out of the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) and make your user experience smoother. There are a number of post-launch supports in place for these reasons. 

    • If you are experiencing a problem that has possible immediate patient care impact, call the IT Service Desk & Solution Centre at 1-877-311-4300 (#1 for Connect Care). The Service Desk is able to provide high-level workflow and training support; urgent issues will be escalated to an on-call CMIO training team member.
    • For all other issues, take a look at this FAQ to discover the best post-launch resource to use for help.
    Don't struggle - ask for help. A solution is likely just a call or click away.


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    Connect Quality – Tools to Help Physicians Meet CPSA Requirements

    As announced in our most recent Between the Charts newsletter, our Connect Quality initiative is officially launched! 

    Connect Quality organizes resources, training, reporting tools, and the documentation required to meet College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) requirements, in one spot. When you work through a Connect Quality project, you will improve the quality of care for your patients, improve your own proficiency in using Connect Care, and meet your CPSA requirements, all at once! 

    • The first project that is available focuses on improving In Basket turnaround time, and uses Signal for data requirements.
      • If you have previously taken an In Basket CMIO Optimization class, you can use this to meet your CPSA requirements - just ask us how!
    • Projects on Problem List maintenance and Adverse Reaction maintenance will be added shortly, with other topics added in the future. 

    See connectquality.ca for more details, and to sign up! The website can also be found in the Connect Care Manual - in the table of contents under Training >> Connect Quality, or search "Connect Quality". Once you sign up for a project, an information package with all the resources you need will be sent to you, including details on how to use Signal for the project.

    If you have any questions on Connect Quality, including help with the sign up process, accessing your Signal data, or applying a previously completed CMIO Optimization class to meet your CPSA requirements, please contact cmio.optimization@ahs.ca.


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 7 Now Available

    Our monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts", summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages. The next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Connect Quality initiative (now launched!)
    • Virtual Drop-In for Launch 8 and wildfire response
    • Interim routing solution for mixed-context providers
    • Tap-badge access for consulting prescribers to EDs
    • Inpatient pathology and Continuing Care results routing changes
    • Add-on labs with Transfusion Medicine samples
    • Optimization Training classes in June
    • "My Next Steps" patient resource to help prepare for discharge
    • Workflow updates for all launches
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


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    Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels are listed below. Reminder that a camera icon in a blog post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 

    Optimization Training - Classes in May and June

    [Note: Future Optimization class schedules will be posted on the Support channel.]

    We previously posted that the CMIO Training team is now offering Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. Classes are 60 minutes in length each and focus on completing common workflows more efficiently.

    Below are the Optimization classes scheduled for May and June 2024. Edit (May 24): As some sessions have now passed and additional dates have been added, the information below has been updated.

    • In Basket Management
      • New: May 29, at 09:00
      • May 30, at 08:00
      • New: June 4, at 12:30
      • June 6, at 12:30
      • June 7, at 09:00
      • June 12, at 16:00
      • New: June 14, at 08:00
    • Orders Optimization
      • May 28, at 11:00
      • May 31, at 14:00
      • June 3, at 09:00
      • June 6, at 15:00
      • June 11, at 12:30
      • June 12, at 14:00
    • Notes and Documentation SmartTools
      • May 27, at 12:00 
      • June 11, at 12:00
      • June 21, at 12:00
      • June 25, at 12:00
    • Therapy Plans
      • June 11, at 12:30
      • September 17, at 12:00

    Prescribers can register for these Optimization classes at the below link. Classes will be added regularly, so please continue to check back. Spots are limited to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.


    Upcoming Webinar: Optimizing Dragon Medical One in Epic Hyperdrive

    Are you already a user of Connect Care's in-system dictation solution, Dragon Medical One (DMO), or a Launch 8 prescriber wondering whether DMO could work for you?

    A free 45-minute webinar is being hosted by the DMO vendor (Microsoft Nuance) on Tuesday, May 21, 12:00 ET/09:00 PT.

    During this webinar, JM Vore, DO, FAAFP, MSHI, Chief Medical Information Officer and Family Physician at Solution Health, and Andrea Janowski, Adoption Specialist at Microsoft Nuance, will cover the following topics:

    • Dragon Medical One no cost resources
    • Increasing accuracy & saving time
    • Adoption, efficiency, and use of commands
    • Demonstration and keyboard shortcuts in Epic Hyperdrive
    • Step by step commands to optimize workflow
    • PowerMic and PowerMic Mobile button configurations

    To sign up, click the below link (you must have an Epic UserWeb account to access):


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    Just-in-Time Learning!

    Our new Connect Care Launch 8 prescribers are on the steeper part of their learning curve. Help is available!

    A powerful way to reinforce basic training, while busy with clinical work, is to consider one or two high-impact tips per day. To that end, we regularly post "Tippies" on the Connect Care Tips channel (tips.connect-care.ca), which contain some simple but impactful suggestions as well as some more advanced tips. 

    The easiest way to follow these postings is to subscribe to the Tips blog channel. Also consider subscribing to both the FAQ (questions.connect-care.ca) and the Support (support.connect-care.ca) channels. We answer common questions on the former and provide important news about fixes and enhancements on the latter. Launch-specific issues are also flagged during the launch support period on the Support channel in "Hot Topics" posts.


    Interim Fax Routing - Changing Connect Care Provider Communication Method to Fax

    An interim routing solution is now available that may be beneficial for mixed-context providers who have limited, intermittent work in a Connect Care context and do not want all their results and documentation sent to Connect Care In Basket. Mixed-context providers can request their default communication method for results and documentation be changed from Connect Care In Basket to fax, either for all information currently sent to their Connect Care In Basket that can be faxed, or for diagnostic cardiology results only. 

    • This setting change will not reduce duplication of results. By enabling fax redirect, the duplicate Connect Care In Basket result would be sent by fax instead.
    • This setting change is only interim due to system-wide results routing optimizations expected to go into effect in 2024/5.
    • This fax routing solution is not ideal for everyone. It has some downstream impacts such as potential increased workload for administrative staff in community/private clinics. It is recommended that providers consider the information outlined in the comprehensive FAQ prior to requesting the change. 
    • If it turns out that the setting change is not a good fit, providers can request that the change be reversed.

    For more details, including how to request this change, see the below resources. The FAQ includes example figures that illustrate how this change might look.

    Improving Issue Reports and Help Desk Interactions

    Problem reports (help.connect-care.ca "tickets") have been well within expectations so far with Connect Care Launch 8. Of course, more tickets are expected as clinical volumes ramp up. The good news is that tickets are resolved quickly, with critical tickets resolved within minutes to hours.

    Helpdesk tickets route most efficiently when the user provides clear information at the right level of detail. See our tips for impactful issue reports:


    Launch 8: We are GO!

    As of 05:00 today, Connect Care welcomes 229 sites from across the province into the family; with this launch, most Continuing Care sites and Population and Public Health programs are now on Connect Care, as well as some Carewest and Covenant Health sites! The first few days will be intense, but with lots of help at hand we are confident that progress will be fast. 

    Prescribers, please make use of the Virtual Drop-in Centre and other launch supports (launchhelp.connect-care.ca). Watch this channel for any updates, as well as the Support channel for information on "hot topic" common issues that have been flagged for Launch 8 prescribers. A Launch 8 Updates section in the Connect Care Manual also flags the largest system updates and workflow changes to be aware of (for prescribers in all launches).


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    Important Updates for All Connect Care Prescribers (Launches 1-8)

    To prepare for most Continuing Care sites and Population and Public Health programs joining the Connect Care family in Launch 8, there have been a number of system updates and new or changed workflows that affect both new and previously launched Connect Care prescribers. 

    A new section in the Connect Care Manual flags the largest updates and changes to be aware of: Launch 8 Updates. It includes the following topics, each affecting prescribers from all Connect Care launches:

    • Interfacility Transfer (IFT) workflow changes
    • Results routing changes for inpatient pathology and Continuing Care
    • Referral and immunization workflow changes related to Population and Public Health programs going live
    • Continuing Care/Long-term Care workflow changes

    Any additional changes needing attention during the launch support period will be flagged on the Launch 8 Updates page of the Manual, as well as the Connect Care Support Blog channel, our regular channel for posting system updates. Check back often, and consider subscribing to the Support Blog to receive new blog posts directly to your email.


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 6 Now Available

    We previously posted about our new monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts". This newsletter summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages.

    Our next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Interfacility Transfer (IFT) workflow changes
    • Dangers of copy-paste
    • Suppressing/filtering medication warnings
    • Home Care referrals
    • Embedding/linking to images in documentation
    • An upcoming project on consult order optimization
    • Optimization Training classes in May
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.

    On Other Channels...

    Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels are listed below. Reminder that a camera icon in a blog post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    All User Bulletin - Copy-Paste Dangers

    All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

    Inter-System Copy-Paste Dangers

    Copy-paste of clinical content from one health information system (e.g., Netcare) to another (e.g., Connect Care) is not appropriate and should not be done. There are a number of dangers, including:
    • Copy-paste between discrete health information systems is subject to legislated requirements of the Alberta Health Information Act.
    • Copied text may have encoding dependencies that differ between systems, causing pasted material to change appearance in ways that could change its meaning.
    • What can be copied is but part of the source health information data, missing properties essential to confirming the right patient and encounter.
    There are alternative workflows that protect against these and other dangers:


    Optimization Training - Classes for Anesthesia Prescribers Now Available

    We previously posted that the CMIO Training team is now offering Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. As of April 15, 2024, we are launching a series of classes for Anesthesia prescribers.

    The Anesthesia Optimization classes are 60 minutes in length each and will focus on completing common workflows more efficiently. There are two classes; note that the order of completion does not matter.

    • Anesthesia Optimization 1 covers:
      • Managing active orders, fluid balances, and correcting medication orders.
      • Documenting delays or postponement of cases.
      • Use of intraprocedure tools to sign a record without completing hard stop requirements.
    • Anesthesia Optimization 2 covers:
      • Deleting records created in error.
      • Correcting incorrect device data on the wrong patient.
      • Using chart correction tools that have replaced the anesthesia record wizard.
    The current dates available for Anesthesia Optimization classes are: April 15, April 29, April 30, May 14, and May 23.

    Prescribers can register for these Anesthesia Optimization classes at the below link. Classes will be added regularly, so please continue to check back. Spots are limited to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.


    Upcoming Webinars - Prescriber Billing in Connect Care

    The AHS Professional Billing team will be holding webinars in April for all Connect Care prescribers (including Launch 8). These 1-hour Zoom sessions will review how a prescriber can enter billing into Connect Care and access billing in reports. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions about prescriber billing in Connect Care. 

    If you have any questions about these sessions, please contact the Professional Billing team.


    On Other Channels...

    Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels:


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 5 Now Available

    We previously posted about our new monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts". This newsletter summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages.

    Our next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Optimization Training classes in April
    • Webinars on billing in Connect Care (April 10, 16, 23)
    • Administration revisions and chart completion
    • An upcoming initiative that can help meet your CPSA requirements
    • How to schedule an immediate first dose when ordering a new medication
    • Interval H&P notes
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


    Chart Correction - Completion of Administrative Revisions on Behalf of Healthcare Providers

    As of April 1, 2024, the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Health Information Management (HIM) Chart Correction team will be able to revise some Connect Care clinical documentation errors on behalf of healthcare providers. Previously, providers were prompted via In Basket messages to do this work. The new initiative (see AHS Clinical Documentation Policy and Procedure 1173-01; Section 7.2a) will decrease In Basket and administrative burdens for healthcare providers for 10 categories of revisions:

    • Revise spelling of patient name (e.g., "Shawn" vs. "Shaun" or "Sean")
    • Revise incorrect patient name (e.g., report states "Ralph" but patient’s name is "Zach")
    • Revise left vs. right, and vice versa
    • Revise incorrect ULI 
    • Revise incorrect Out of Province Health Care Number
    • Revise patient age
    • Revise date of:
      • Admission
      • Discharge
      • Deceased
      • Birth

    The Chart Correction team will continue to notify the authoring provider, as needed, for other types of errors (e.g., selections within SmartLists).

    For more information:


    Optimization Training - March/April Sessions Available

    We previously posted that the CMIO Training team is now offering Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. The Optimization classes are 30 to 60 minutes in length each, and focus on completing common workflows more efficiently. 

    We have added a few additional sessions on In Basket management, and have expanded our selection of classes. Edit (Mar 19): As some sessions have already filled up and additional dates have been added, the information below has been updated.

    • Orders
      • April 10, 2024, 09:00–10:00
      • April 11, 2024, 12:00–13:00
      • New: April 15, 2024, 12:30–13:30
      • New: April 17, 2024, 11:00–12:00
      • New: April 25, 2024, 09:00–10:00
    • Notes
      • March 27, 2024, 12:00–13:00
      • April 2, 2024, 12:00–13:00
      • April 10, 2024, 12:00–13:00
      • New: April 16, 2024, 10:00–11:00
      • New: April 24, 2024, 12:00–13:00
    • In Basket Management
      • New: April 8, 2024, 09:00–10:00
      • New: April 15, 2024, 11:00–12:00
    • Therapy Plans
      • April 29, 2024, 12:00–13:00
    • New: Letters to Netcare
      • April 8, 2024, 10:30–11:00

    Prescribers can register for these Optimization classes at the below link. Spots are limited in order to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.


    Super User Development Sessions - A chance to learn new skills

    Super Users help peers by promoting readiness activities, supporting training and providing “at the elbow” help prior to, during and immediately following launch. Super Users grow their own capacity through supplemental training, self-help resources and participation in a Community of Practice.

    A series of Super User development sessions is offered in the weeks leading up to Connect Care Launch 8, beginning March 19, 2024. Each of these 1-hour webinars occur at 12:00-13:00. The sessions are also open to any interested Connect Care user who might like to pick up some new Connect Care skills.

    For more information:


    All User Bulletin - Daylight Savings Time

    All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

    Daylight Savings Time

    On March 10, 2024, clocks turn forward 1 hour at 02:00 to become 03:00.

    While ambulatory care is little affected by what happens in the early hours of the morning, emergent, inpatient, surgical and critical care contexts can be sensitive to the loss or gain of small time intervals. A 1-pager lists key considerations, with more information available in the Connect Care Manual and DST guide:


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 4 Now Available

    We previously posted about our new monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts". This newsletter summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages.

    Our next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Hyperdrive rollout (February 28)
    • Daylight Savings Time (March 10)
    • Ordering non-standard medications
    • Data quality
    • Updating inpatient provider care team and service
    • Blog screenshots
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.