
BBHR: Charting Efficiencies - Sidebar Aids for Transition Planning

Building a Better Health Record (BBHR)
Charting Efficiencies - Sidebar Aids for Transition Planning

Improvements to the Hyperspace inpatient chart Sidebar include aids for quickly finding, displaying and editing information in either the main (central), Sidebar (right) or pop-up chart spaces. The first set of tools appear by default when the inpatient Sidebar opens to its "Index & checklists" view. These nicely illustrate how the Sidebar can help users quickly access and update chart data that otherwise would require more familiarity with less-used parts of the chart.

The focus of the checklists view is on transition planning, whether that relates to discharge, transfer or a move to a different level of care (click on icon to view screenshot; numbers below refer to numbers in screenshot). 

  1. If not already displayed, select the top-left "Index & checklists" link to display the "Checklists" and "Transition Planning" Sidebar tools.
  2. Daily, Admission and Discharge Checklists are presented. These function like task managers, reflecting important unfinished tasks and changing to completion status when the relevant work is done. The few highlighted tasks closely match Connect Care minimum use norms.
  3. Checklist items are "active". When selected, the user is taken to a relevant documentation or ordering tool directly relevant to the listed task.
  4. The Transition Planning section summarizes relevant information, including expected transition and discharge dates, social supports, community care needs and patient goals. Where information is missing or incomplete, the title or bracketing text appears in a (dark) blue font, indicating that it can be selected to activate data entry tools in-context where the associated information can be updated. Use the Sidebar "refresh" icon (top left of Sidebar) to update the display if this does not happen automatically.