
AHS Provincial Clinical Information System (CIS) – Are we ready?

​Now well into the first phase of our effort to select a technology platform for an AHS Provincial CIS, the RFP process is working smoothly and on time. Phase II, with its deep dive into multiple domains of clinical and operational functionality, starts soon. We are firmly on our way to a powerfully integrated cross-continuum, cross-generational and cross-geography CIS.
Although we will know a preferred technology and partner soon, we still have much work ahead to prepare for this partnership. As a business-led initiative, the AHS Provincial CIS will succeed or fail contingent on our capacity to use electronic information and decision supports on the front lines of health care. We’ll develop ways to learn about how to use a particular CIS system.
Additionally, we need to build capacity for “eHealth literacy.” This is less about technology and more about the human, social and cultural awareness required for safe, effective and collaborative practice in a CIS-enabled workplace.
As we start work on eHealth literacy pathways, we are eager to learn more about current experiences with clinical informatics training in the workplace. Please help by completing a very short online survey:
CIS Readiness Survey: ahs-cis.ca/staffsurvey


AHS Secure Email for Medical Students and Trainees

Need to send a patient list, handover instruction or other communication with potentially sensitive information among members of a health care team? 

It is tempting for students, residents and fellows (“trainees”) to pass information around via printouts, files, thumb drives and messaging… dangerous practices. Privacy breeches can happen and have serious consequences for patients and providers. Documents, images and communications sent from one AHS email account to another are encrypted and sequestered. Also, use of AHS secure email on personal mobile devices is easy and convenient. For safer eHealth communications, clinical learners can request email activation when (or after) they get their AHS HEALTHY account.


What’s in a name?

​The acronyms “EHR,” “EMR” and “CIS” are used differently by different vendors, organizations and countries at different times. While, Canada Health Infoway promotes distinctions that are fairly well adopted in Canada and Alberta, now that the province starts its AHS Provincial Clinical Information System (CIS) journey, we need to be clear about how the CIS might differ from the Netcare Electronic Health Record (EHR) or community Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Use the links to the left to see recently ratified definitions at-a-glance, or to access a glossary supporting CIS efforts. Key definitions appear next page.
Digital Health Record defs: ahs-cis.ca/definitions
eHealth Glossary: glossary.ahs-cis.ca


Bring Your Own App – Use Cases

​With the advent of mobile devices that dwarf the power of typical workplace computers, clinicians increasingly take more control of information technology needs with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). With the advent of user-friendly development environments, clinicians also take more control of information management needs with BYOA (Bring Your Own App). Clinician inventors and innovators may do this themselves. Others take advantage of the many applications appearing online for browsers and devices. Some apps have genuine merit. They may also have important privacy and medical record implications. The CMIO office can help proponents complete “use cases” both to clarify needs and expose issues that need to be addressed.
Use Case Process: ahs-cis.ca/usecase
Use Case Template: ahs-cis.ca/usecasecsm