
Connect Care Clinical Content - Getting There!

​We took on a huge challenge with our commitment to express Alberta evidence-based peer-reviewed clinical guidance through the systematic clinical system design (CSD) of decision, documentation and inquiry supports in the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS).

At times, the work has seemed impossible. But we are getting there, and should be proud to face first launch with a solid base of clinical content that can grow and optimize as we continue our Connect Care journey. Congratulations!

Specialty CSD focuses on non-orderset clinical content, customizing for > 70 clinical areas and specialty workgroups. As of Sept 27, 2019, we completed design, build AND validation of >97% of the intended content, working through over 2,400 specific design decisions. With 100% of the build in hand, remaining validations will be completed within the next few days.

One of the prices paid for careful customization is that our experience of the CIS in training is not identical to experiences with personalization or implementation. It is important to remember that training is about functions and ways of using information tools to support clinical workflows. The methods mastered can be applied to new and improved decision, documentation and inquiry supports that will continually emerge as we continually improve.

Big thanks to the many Area Council Support Units, the CSD Coordinating Support Unit and CSD SWAT team members who have provided our clinical and business stakeholders with the methodological expertise, and tireless work, needed to support the work.


Recruiting Physician Area Trainers - Calgary and Central Zones

Connect Care will launch at several Calgary and Central zone sites in May 2020, and it is time to get ready!

There are opportunities for new physician Area Trainers, a role that has proven exciting and rewarding to physicians who currently help with Wave 1 preparations. Area Trainers deliver Connect Care training while also promoting transformation and clinical improvement at launch.

We've previously posted about Physician Area Trainers. Interested clinicians benefit from exceptional clinical information system orientation and change management coaching. Stipend-supported, Area Trainers can use the role to supplement their usual clinical activities, play a pivotal role at Connect Care launch and positively impact health care in Alberta. Area Trainers are critical to the success of Connect Care, and will champion the initiative in their teams.  There will be an opportunity to extend the role to subsequent waves of Connect Care in the zone.

For more information:


Mark the Date - Oct 10 - Changes coming to Netcare

The Alberta Netcare Portal electronic health record continues as a major hub to electronically share health information among authorized providers throughout Alberta. Netcare benefits from the integration that Connect Care brings to lab and diagnostic imaging services, as reflected in changes  scheduled for October 10, 2019.

Additional information is available online and questions can be directed to albertanetcare@ahs.ca.


Connect Care Physician Manual Debuts

The Connect Care Physician Handbook has grown to considerable size and complexity. It served well during clinical information system (CIS) design, build and validation. Something simpler, faster and more mobile is needed as clinicians start adopting and using the CIS.

A new Physician Manual gathers essential tips, tricks and pointers for clinician users of the Connect Care clinical information system. It has desktop and mobile formats and provides a simple gateway to practical how-to topics. For a quick overview:

Connect Care September 27, 2019 Newsletter Posted

The September 27, 2019, Connect Care Newsletter is available via the link below; covering 1) Patient Movement Day, 2) Connect Care Champions, 3) Capturing Workload Activity, and 4) Waves 2 Leaders Retreat.


We have a New Channel and a New Look!

More and more physicians are completing basic Connect Care training, proceeding to personalization, and spending more time working with the clinical information system (CIS). This, more than any prior communication campaigns, has stimulated hunger for Connect Care news... together with practical advice.

A new Connect Care blogging channel opened this week. The Connect Care Support Forum (support.connect-care.ca) hopes to help physicians share problem-solving, tips and tricks. These may be discovered during training, personalization and CIS adoption. The forum can also help growing user communities before the full Connect Care solution centre deploys.

There is no need to try to remember yet another Internet link! This week also sees a number of improvements to our 5 blogging channels (Bytes, Bridges, Vlogs, Informatics and Support). You can jump from one to any of the others by using a button bar just below the blog title (see above).  And the blog formatting and "See Also" links (right column) are more consistent. 

We hope these improvements help physicians who like receiving information via blogs and linked social media. The tip sheet is updated, with quick reminders about how to subscribe:


Training Update - Why do we need EUPAs?

"EUPA" stands for "End User Proficiency Assessment". The acronym can intimidate, dredging up old examination anxieties.

A EUPA is not an exam. There is no need for anxiety.

When learning the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS), we join a community of users. We depend upon one another. It makes a big difference to our work day if colleagues understand basic CIS concepts and master a few simple skills.

Before gaining access to the CIS, all physicians must complete a short competency assessment. This is done after basic (in-person) training. It is not difficult.

There are no honours or awards for good scores. Rather the EUPA screens for serious gaps in training... making sure that the user has not missed something fundamental. There is no punishment. Rather, help is offered to quickly remedy the gap and the user is able to repeat the assessment. Some physicians struggle with information technology and deserve extra help. The assessment allows resources to be allocated most effectively.

Physicians face many demands and Connect Care training can seem an onerous added demand. Of course it would be tempting to take shortcuts, such as sharing assessment tips with colleagues impatient to get back to other tasks. But this puts the rushed colleague at serious disadvantage when Connect Care launches. Please avoid the temptation.

Anyone who completes basic training will learn what's needed to be safe and collegial in the Connect Care community. The EUPA will be easy. No worry!


Referral Management for Connect Care Users

Referral is a prescribing process in which one provider (prescriber) requests services of another provider (consultant). Referral management is about how accountability is assigned, standards are applied, error is minimized, and communication is coordinated. Closed loop referral management tracks all referral actions, with patient, prescriber and consultant aware of expectations and outcomes at each phase from need discovery to need fulfillment.

As Connect Care grows, closed loop referral management can grow. Hybrid processes will continue during transitions and where referrals bridge Connect Care and non-Connect Care spaces.
  • Where both referrer and consultant use Connect Care as the record of care, all referrals must be ordered and managed using Connect Care tools and workflows.
  • All referrals that can be initiated and fulfilled within the CIS use closed-loop referral management, providing patients and providers with a clear understanding of referral progress.
  • Referrals to Connect Care consultants from prescribers who do not use the Connect Care CIS can be accepted via facsimile, mail, telephone, Netcare eReferral or (preferably) the Connect Care Provider Portal. This gets a referral to intake. Thereafter referral management occurs within Connect Care, with communications e-delivered, faxed, eReferral-recorded or mailed to the referring provider.
For more information:


Training eLearnings - Trouble Getting Course Completion?

Renewed commendations to the Connect Care training team for putting together an excellent set of short, self-directed, interactive eLearnings covering a wide range clinical information system skills. These are really impressive! Thank you to the many who have worked so hard to help the CMIO team find a good fit to physician interests and needs.

We are aware of frustrations with the eLearning system used to deliver training materials. Some users, especially physicians doing coursework on personal computing devices outside of Alberta Health Services networks, report completing courses but not getting credited with the completion. The course remains in a list of "required courses", without moving over to the "completed courses" section of MyLearningLink. Completing courses is important for getting continuing professional development credits.

For those working with Apple computers and the recommended Chrome Internet Browser, we suggest:
  • Ensure that your MLL session has not timed out (you can test this by doing a browser page refresh of the browser window that MLL is running in). Log on again if needed.
  • Work your way to the very end of the course screens. Make sure that the course outline shows all sections checked off. You may need to click on the last section and scroll to the end again.
  • Position the cursor (mouse pointer) over the top right area of the browser title bar that the course link appears in (see image). There will be nothing in that space initially. Click if needed. A small computer icon will appear, possibly with the text "send" next to it. Click on this. Click twice for good measure! This should force sending course completion data to MLL.

Tips for physicians have been updated:
If, despite following the tip, a training track EUPA does not get credited or appropriately assessed as “pass”, contact the MyLearningLink Support Centre (HelpMyLearningLink@ahs.ca) immediately with the Subject Line: “EUPA Move to Pass”. In the body of the message, provide your name, email address, course name (EUPA), session number and final grade.

For physicians who need additional Connect Care Training support while using personal computers, contact:


Wave 1 Shadow Charting Sept 23-25

Shadow Charting helps Connect Care participants assure readiness for launch of the clinical information system (CIS). It focuses front-line attention on complex, high-impact and high-volume workflows. It also provides opportunity to confirm that medical device interfaces, multidisciplinary workflows, and information processes are properly supported by the CIS.

By performing documentation tasks in parallel (legacy and new Connect Care), important gaps can be identified while there is still time to take corrective action. Change management plans can be fine-tuned based on Shadow Charting experiences. For more information, check the following 1-pager:


Wondering what to do about a Netcare expiring access notice?

Have you received an email from "Identity Management Services" with the subject "Action Required - Your Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) Access is nearing its Expiry Date"?

No worry. Odds are there is no action needed.

It is important that access to the Alberta Netcare Portal be limited to authorized providers. New processes were introduced May 2019 by Alberta Health Services (AHS) Identity Management Services (IAM), moving to yearly validation of Netcare user accounts.

Happily, the process should be invisible to most physicians. IAM checks with Zone Medical Affairs to confirm that a physician remains in good standing. Medical Affairs is notified with 60 days to spare and is reminded if confirmation is not received by 45 days. If no response is received thereafter, further reminders go out at 30, 15 and 2 days; all copied to the affected physician.

Unfortunately, a glitch has resulted in expiration notices being copied to physicians at 60 and 45 days. This will be corrected as of October 1st, 2019.

Many physicians have received emails asking them to take action by contacting a named authorized approver, someone they don't recognize or know how to contact. Please ignore such emails unless the expire date is within a month of the notification date. In that case, contact zone medical affairs to ask what has happened with the annual Netcare renewal process.


First Looks for Physicians

A separate blog channel focuses on the interests of medical informaticians, emphasizing information and demonstrations that can help them help colleagues. Consider subscribing.

We've just started a "first looks" series of postings. These highlight Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) features that, for one reason or another, are not included in training and are seen for the first time when physicians gain access to production environments as part of personalization workshops.

Check it out:


Patient Movement Day Moves Mountains

Connect Care Wave 1 Patient Movement Day (PMD) is progressing brilliantly at Bernard Snell Hall, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton Zone. Come join us and see our Connect Care collective in action!

Seeing multidisciplinary teams walking through collaborative tasks, coordinating handoffs and facilitating a smooth patient journey, is impressive; especially as the demonstrations are so well facilitated by clinicians using the Connect Care clinical information system build (CIS).

Great to see Bernard Snell Hall at full capacity. Great to see colleagues demonstrating and working together.

Afternoon hands-on explorations were also well attended. Many had opportunity to try different ways of interacting with the CIS and replicating some of the patient transition steps demonstrated in the morning. Special thanks to Ella Rokosh and Eddie Bolster who gave so much of their afternoon to enable physician-to-physician demos.


Connect Care Training for Medical Office Assistants

Use of the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) is supported wherever, whenever and for whomever Connect Care is the record of care.

Many physicians will serve where Connect Care is the record of care but Alberta Health Services (AHS) is not the provider of care. Some of these physicians work through partner or affiliate organizations and others are members of independent practices or networks.

All Wave 1 physicians should know their Connect Care relationship and training arrangements. Some, however, are concerned about training Medical Office Assistants (MOA) whose activities include facilitating clinical communications, patient preparation, case scheduling and other informational tasks. The activities vary by clinic and specialty.

Just like the physicians they support, MOAs need to register for the training tracks that fit their work. This happens automatically for AHS support staff. The process can be more confusing for MOAs in  independent health service organizations or private practices.

Medical Affairs has tried to identify all MOAs who need to be supported for the Wave 1 launch of the Connect Care CIS. All physicians registered for Wave 1 should ensure that all of their MOAs needing CIS access are identified to Medical Affairs, have their job tasks defined, and are allocated to appropriate training tracks.  If in doubt, contact Josephine Amelio (medical affairs) as a matter of urgency.


Connect Care Waves 2 & 3 Launch Together

Alberta Health Services executive leaders explain some recent adjustments to the Waves 2 and 3 launch dates...

With the launch of Connect Care’s Wave One just weeks away, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all who are involved in preparing for this milestone event in Alberta. We know that Connect Care will have a positive impact on Alberta’s healthcare system, and will ensure healthcare teams and patients can access the same current information about their care. 

In Wave One, sites at the Walter C Mackenzie (WCM) Campus, the East Edmonton Health Centre, Pharmacy and Diagnostic Imaging sites in the Edmonton Zone, Alberta Public Labs sites in Edmonton and the North Zone, DynaLIFE sites across Alberta and the Cross Cancer Institute, will be the first to put Connect Care in place.  

We want to let you know that as we move rapidly toward the November launch of Wave One, there have been changes made to the timing of the next Connect Care waves. 

·         Wave One and Wave Three timelines will not be impacted and the overall timelines and plans will not be affected by this change.

·         A decision has been made to align the timing of Waves Two and Three to take advantage of learnings from Wave One, ensure we have enough time and resources to properly finish our first wave implementation and to address any potential system issues that arise through Wave One, before we move ahead with the subsequent waves. 

·         Wave Two will move from March 2020 to May 2020, to coincide with the timing of the Wave Three launch. 

The successful implementation of Connect Care remains an organizational priority, and this is in no way an indication of changes to support for the program overall. Aligning Waves Two and Three will benefit staff, sites and the program by giving us more time to optimize Wave One and prepare staff for the change, recruit relief staff to support training, complete facility infrastructure work, and benefit from what we learn in Wave One. Connect Care program leadership is working closely with impacted zones on timelines and scheduling. 

We are so very grateful for the contribution and commitment of teams across Alberta, both inside and beyond our organization, who have been hard at work preparing AHS and our partners for Connect Care. Please take a moment to watch a video message from Dr. Verna Yiu, AHS President and CEO, about all the activities underway to get us to this important upcoming milestone.

Thank you Connect Care Community!

A message from Alberta Health Services CEO Verna Yiu:


Reporting CIS Problems Pre-Launch

All users of the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) will have easy access to a comprehensive “solution centre” at first launch. This captures user needs, problems, bug-reports and requests via telephone, web, email, super users and drop-in venues... whatever works best for the user.

Pre-launch validation and training activities stimulate invaluable user feedback. This includes bug reports, enhancement suggestions and new content requests. Early Connect Care users can use simple intake emails until the solution centre deploys.

Bugs (overt failure or unintended action when a function is clicked or workflow tried) and minor design issues (misspelling, screen layout issue, inconsistent labels for similar functions, etc.) can be sent to:
A very simple norm can make it easier to triage feedback based on the email subject line, as explained in a resource for Connect Care users:


Wave 1 Patient Movement Day Agenda

As previously posted, Patient Movement Day (PMD) gives opportunity to confirm how the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) can support the many complex movements and information flows that can occur before, during and after an inpatient hospitalization. These transitions will figure prominently in Wave 1 change management.

Physicians are affected by many high-stakes patient transitions. Please review the following agenda and plan to attend to learn, ask and help with CIS validation.  This is important, as corrective tweaks now can make a big difference to launch experiences for physicians.

Bernard Snell Hall, 08:30, September 18, 2019:
  • 08:30 - Opening remarks, introduction and overview
  • Scenarios and Demonstrations
    • 08:50 - ER --> inpatient --> other site procedure --> return to inpatient
    • 09:30 - Inpatient --> radiology --> inpatient
    • 09:50 - Outpatient --> inpatient direct admit
    • 10:10 - Inpatient --> community hospital transfer (RAAPID repatriation)
    • 10:30 - Inpatient --> cath lab --> inpatient
    • 11:00 - Inpatient --> OR --> post-op --> inpatient
    • 11:30 - Inpatient organ donation --> OR --> deceased
    • 12:00 - Critical care --> inpatient --> home
    • 12:30 - Wrap up
  • Practice Centres - 13:00-16:30
    • Emergency department
    • Inpatient Physicians
    • Operating Room
    • Radiology
    • Cath Lab


Wave 1 Patient Movement Day - Wednesday Sept 18, 2019!

Patient Movement Day (PMD) is an important Connect Care readiness event, as previously posted. Clinical stakeholders examine clinical information system (CIS) supports for the transitions, hand-offs and other information flows essential to a smooth in-patient journey.

Physician input is critical for:
  • Validating admission, transfer and discharge navigators
  • Confirming that the CIS fits the the sequence of events that must occur to move patients safely and efficiently within acute care settings.
Many transitions are physician dependent and so prominent in the afternoon demonstrations. 
  • Who: Walter C Mackenzie Health Science Centre (UAH, Mazinkowski, Stollery) physicians and staff
  • When: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
    • 08:30-12:45 - Demonstrations and scenarios
    • 13:00-16:00 - Practice centres, Discussion, Q&A
  • Where: Bernard Snell Hall, 8440 112 St NW, Edmonton
  • Byte: Patient Movement Day


Connect Care Physician Resources Updated

The CMIO portfolio maintains a set of links, references, tips and other aids specifically adapted to the needs of busy prescribers adopting the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS).

As we move from design and build to readiness and launch, the physician user population grows with new needs and interests. Accordingly, we have updated our 1-page resource summary (resources.connect-care.ca) to emphasize the sorts of things most needed before, during and just after wave 1 launch in the Edmonton Zone.

A new "physician manual" link (manual.connect-care.ca) will soon feature an essential set of tips, tricks and norms to help new Connect Care users navigate launch activities.


Wave 1 Patient Movement Day - Physician Practice Centre

Patient Movement Day (PMD) is an important Connect Care readiness event, giving opportunity to see how patient transfers, transitions, investigations and other inpatient movements are supported, actioned and documented in the clinical information system (CIS).

Physicians commonly initiate patient movements... and feel the pain of inefficient transitions! Accordingly, it is very important for inpatient physicians to try to attend one or more of the morning PMD demonstrations. In addition (or instead if time is limited), attendance any time in the afternoon Physician Practice Centre will allow direct interaction with demonstrations and practice scenarios.

What does the Physician Practice Centre have to offer?

  • Demonstrations - step-by-step walk-through of CIS actions facilitating transfers
  • Practice - opportunity for hands-on trial of transfer and transition orders, navigators and activities
  • Learning - ask questions and discuss how to enter transfer orders, know if things like medrec are required and when to use a Leave of Absence order, and how to manage phases of care for surgical episodes.
What PMD demonstrations are most relevant to physicians?
  • Transfer orders
  • Medication reconciliation
  • Leave of absence orders
  • Discharge summary navigator
  • Transfer navigator
  • Phases of Care


Connect Care Wave 1 Drop-in Playground

Physicians anticipating Connect Care's wave 1 launch (November 3, 2019) are already completing basic training and getting ready for personalization workshops. There may be questions that sink in well after the in-person support available in training classes.

A "PLY" online environment (via ahs-cis.ca/cis) provides a working instance of the clinical information system (CIS) where learnings can be practiced. In addition, an in-person drop-in playground is available to all physicians who have completed basic training:

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays, 07:00-19:00
  • Walter C Mackenzie (University of Alberta Hospital) 4th floor Atrium.
The drop-in playground promotes:
  • Seeing and trying typical computer devices to be used in Connect Care settings
  • Getting tips about using computer devices effectively during patient encounters
  • Practicing (with help) CIS workflows
  • Asking questions about CIS modules


More Information for Clinicians not using Connect Care as the Record of Care

The Connect Care Non-AHS Community Physician Advisory Group (NACPAG) is ramping up communications about about how Connect Care affects results and reports routing for physicians who do not use Connect Care as their record of care.

If this interests you, consider subscribing to the "Bridges" Connect Care blog. The current theme is results routing, but the blog has lasting value covering issues that matter to our non-Connect Care colleagues.


Physician Training - Helping Out

Helping almost 2000 prescribers through Connect Care basic training proves quite the challenge!

Overall, we are pleased to hear how well most physicians are progressing. Of course there are stumbles and we are grateful for your patience when this happens. It is reassuring to see physicians step forward and solve problems in the moment. This, above all, shows that we take ownership of Connect Care; owning whether transformation helps more than it hurts.

The early training sessions have been troubled by some glitches getting credit for competency assessments --> a new attestation pathway takes care of this. There have been delays responding to email queries --> the training team has taken over the account and is well through a backlog of emails.

Theme? We are learning and improving as we go. Things get better with every day of training. Thanks for helping to tackle challenges. In the end, it is a privilege to have physicians training physicians, and well worth the logistics nightmare.

Please do not let frustration fester. Give the training support email another chance and let us know what you need. We'll keep blogging here as fixes emerge of general interest. Thanks!


Physician Training - First Month - By the Numbers

Our prescriber training team, lead by Dr Vanessa Maclean, moves mountains!

The number and complexity of Connect Care courses, all heeding our prescribers-training-prescribers commitment, is truly staggering. We thank all leaders, trainers, super-users, informaticians and many other supports for making Connect Care adoption possible. Training and personalization are the strongest predictors of clinician satisfaction.

Of the 1885 physicians who need to be readied for Wave 1 launch in November:
  • 85% are registered and allocated to training slots
  • 37% have completed basic training
  • 13% have completed competency assessments 
  • 82% are set up for personalization labs
We are learning, and getting better, all the time. Thank you to all training participants for being patient and growing with us!


Connect Care Continues to Move Forward

Excerpt from today's message from our Alberta Health Services President and CEO, Dr Verna Yiu...

Teams  across the province are actively engaged in bringing the Connect Care program to life. I want to say thank you to everyone involved and supporting this important launch.

As expected, the Government of Alberta on Thursday announced they are reviewing the provincial health information systems: Alberta Netcare, MyHealth Records and the Connect Care clinical information system, with a specific deliverable to ensure digital health information is used effectively to deliver more coordinated services and better results for patients, without duplication. We will participate fully in this review and look forward to its findings. 

This does not affect our work in preparing for Connect Care, and I want to reassure you that we are moving forward.

We know that Connect Care will have a positive impact on Alberta’s healthcare system, and lead to improved efficiencies and better patient care. We are committed to seeing it through to completion. 

We are so very grateful for the contribution and commitment of teams across Alberta, both inside and beyond our organization, who have been hard at work preparing AHS and our partners for Connect Care. Thousands of people have contributed thousands of hours to build, design and pave the way to better healthcare for Albertans. We thank you for all you are doing, especially as you are reaching peak activities to support this program. 

Full steam ahead, with deep gratitude for all our teams have done to get us ready for launch!


Save the date! How do we do Impossible?

The Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Society, University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services are pleased to invite all Connect Care stakeholders to the next Leadership Lecture Series presentation. Cameron Chell will explore "How we do Impossible?" in collaboration with medical leaders and special guests David and Teri Price.

This promises to be an exiting and engaging session; well timed and highly relevant for our first Connect Care launch.

Attend in person at the Bernard Snell Hall Theatre between 0700-0900 on Friday October 4, 2019 or via videoconference locations listed at:


Reinforcing Connect Care Training through Practice

There are already more physicians through basic Connect Care training than ever were trained  for eCLINICIAN use! And the pace of training continues to accelerate. Yet launch is still 2 months from now. That is a long time for busy clinicians to retain new information.

Personalization training will provide opportunity for reinforcement between 2 and 4 weeks pre-launch. It is vitally important, not only for learning new things like mobile Connect Care access, but also for tweaking the system to better suit personal preferences. Still, prescribers need ongoing system access for practice and consolidation of basic training.

We are gratified that so many physicians are asking for ongoing access to some form of Connect Care, anywhere they may have opportunity for practice and exploration. Everyone should have access to a "play" (PLY) environment where one can practice interacting with the clinical information system. Of course there is no real patient data . And one must be change-tolerant as clinical content continues to grow.

Simple internet shortcuts are provided to ease access. We can change the links behind these shortcuts as the full Connect Care production environments emerge. To access Connect Care, note whether your computer is on the Intranet (AHSRestrict network) or Extranet (all other networks).


The MacKinnon Report and Connect Care

The Government of Alberta today released its "Blue Ribbon Panel" review of the province's financial perils and prospects. The panel, chaired by former Saskatchewan finance minister Janice MacKinnon, flagged the healthcare system for high expenditures not matched by high performance.

Many of the panel recommendations hinge on inter-provincial comparisons of per-capital spending, using aggregate measures. Of necessity, this is more about where we've been than where we are going. And there is little assessment of the health processes or outcomes that Albertans may value most for their loved ones.

In any case, the panel deliberations already fuel political debate about how the health care system should achieve more with less. Operational recommendations for Alberta Health Services will surface in a separate review expected later this year.

Notably absent is discussion about the role of health information transformation in creating the conditions for iterative, evidence-informed, improvement attuned to Alberta's circumstances, values and aspirations. This is good. There is nothing in the report to discourage us from striving to fulfill our vision for Connect Care. Our transformation agenda is a necessary condition for continuing improvement... including Alberta's competitive positioning among provinces.

A very important report, which physicians should be aware of:


Wave 1 Incomplete Charting - a Chore worth Completing

September 1st conjures vacation's end and school's start (of toil). More PTSD this September as we escalate preparation for Connect Care launch on November 3, 2019!

An important readiness chore is to make sure -- now -- that all legacy pre-Connect Care clinical documentation is complete. Now, because transfer from systems like eCLINICIAN and Netcare is happening now.  Data conversion, chart abstraction and documentation cutover must be completed pre-launch.

What's to do? Start with ensuring that all Wave 1 site (University of Alberta Hospital, Mazinkowski Alberta Heart Institute, Stollery Children's Hospital, Kaye Edmonton Clinic, eCLINICIAN clinics) consult and discharge summary dictations are complete and signed.

It is to physician advantage to complete outstanding deficiencies (inpatients and day surgery) prior to November 3, 2019, eliminating the need to work in two systems.

Wave 1 physicians can contact Health Records (780-407-7638) to obtain a list of incomplete charts and have these pulled for dictation, correction and/or signing.


Readiness Activities in Full Swing

Summer's over! With the start of September, the shift from design-build-validation to training-readiness-implementation is daunting... but also exhilarating!

We have already trained more Edmonton Wave 1 physicians that ever were trained to use the former eCLINICIAN system. Multiples parallel streams of classes run all-day, all-week. At the same time, there is a flurry of iterative tweaking as clinicians view and validate the decision, documentation and inquiry supports they helped design. And practitioners of all types dig deeper into readiness activities. There are many this month:

  • 60 day Launch Readiness assessment
    taking stock of all that has to happen to be ready for launch; this time with the clinical information system users taking the lead.
  • Shadow Charting
    where complex, high-impact and high-volume documentation workflows are tried alongside real patient encounters in order to smooth any rough workflows before launch.
  • Patient Movement Day
    when transitions and handoffs are tested to ensure that modules and clinical domains can work together across a complex patient journey.
  • First personalization labs
    when clinicians learn how to shape the CIS to better suit their needs and style.
We'll keep posting!

Connect Care September 2019 Calendar

A summary of key Connect Care happenings in September 2019 has been posted to the Alberta Health Services (AHS) internal Connect Care website, linked below.