
e-Health Policy Symposium – Towards Person-Centred Integrated Health in Alberta

Wide-area integrated digital health records crossing the continuum of care are emerging in Alberta and other provinces. Primed by our experience of a province-wide Electronic Health Record (Netcare), we will soon grapple with information sharing implications of an AHS Clinical Information System, where there are no borders between inpatient, outpatient, community and other healthcare contexts. Added to this paradigm change is the prospect of direct patient access through portals and personal health records. While these developments open extraordinary opportunity for improving personal and population health, a shared health record also stretches understandings of patient-provider privilege, professionalism and informational accountability.
The O’Brien Institute for Public Health and the Institute of Health Economics, in collaboration with Alberta Health, are co-hosting an invitational meeting to allow key stakeholders and informants to consider how best to promote information sharing to the advantage of patients, populations and health care.  Provocative presentations set the stage during an open morning session, followed by an invitational afternoon session that considers strategies to enable a seamless flow of health information across the continuum of care.
Check out the link for more information and registration particulars.
   February 14, 2017
Westin Edmonton
10135 100 Street NW
Information & Registration: li.ahs-cmio.ca/symposium


Integrated Health Records – Improving Patient Care for Albertans​

​Collaboratively brought to you by the Alberta Network for Health Information Exchange (ANHIX) and Canada’s Health Informatics Association (COACH), this conference features public and private sector experts sharing insights about health information system integration. Alberta’s initiatives and impacts are explored as they relate to clinical practice, service quality and patient outcomes; highlighting objectives for an AHS provincial Clinical Information System. Check ​​ out the link to see the latest speaker and session line up, and to register to join what promises to be a very engaging discussion!
February 8, 2017
Delta Calgary South
Calgary, Alberta 
 Information & Registration: li.ahs-cmio.ca/anhix


CMIO Director Analytics and Special Projects

Leahann Mcelveen joins the Chief Medical Information Office (CMIO) as Program Director for Analytics and Special Projects, transitioning from her current role as Information Stewardship Office (ISO) director. Leahann has provided exceptional service and exemplary oversight while leading complex inter-organizational supports for the provincial Electronic Medical Record Information Sharing Framework.  Prior to joining the ISO in 2012, Leahann was a senior portfolio officer with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) and a lead instructor for the University of Alberta’s Information Access & Protection of Privacy program.
Leahann will report to the CMIO, working closely with AHS Research & Analytics, the AHS Provincial CIS initiative, and strategic transformation efforts.  She will guide the development of structures, processes and controls necessary facilitate information sharing within and between clinical information systems to promote clinical improvement, inquiry and instruction.
 AHS CMIO: ahs.ca/cmio