
SickKids, CHEO attain HIMSS Stage 7

Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) started their clinical information system journey a few years earlier than Connect Care, implementing in 2018 and also adopting Epic Systems. 

We are excited to learn that they have now attained the highest designation (HIMSS Stage 7) for using an electronic medical record to improve patient outcomes and engagement. As we progress in our own journey, we hope to achieve similar milestones!


More Paths to Connect Care Help

The Connect Care Support concierge (help.connect-care.ca), the Connect Care Clinician Manual (manual.connect-care.ca) and a focused downtime resources page for prescribers (downtime.connect-care.ca) can be accessed in a variety of ways, either side of a Connect Care logon. Examples include links in the pop-up help that shows when the F1 key is used, the universal learning home dashboard, via the Hyperspace help menu, and by using "Connect Care" as a chart search keyword.

In addition, new icons have been added to the "myapps.ahs.ca" gateway that shows when users sign on from outside an AHS facility.

We recommend marking these as favourites so that they appear as soon as one's MyApps username and password are entered. Sometimes help is needed before Connect Care opens!


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