
Update Your Applications to Protect Yourself and AHS

AHS has recently learned of a global security flaw found in numerous applications and services.

This vulnerability (found in an image library called “libwebp”) affects several well-known applications, including many you may use on your personal devices such as Skype, Slack, Discord, Twitch, Microsoft Teams and Adobe Photoshop. A list of currently known applications can be found here.

As soon as possible, please update all browsers and applications on your personal devices. As a best practice, you should always keep your browsers, applications and operating systems up-to-date. This will be particularly important over the coming days and weeks, as applications discover whether they are vulnerable to this security flaw and apply fixes. 

AHS is taking steps to mitigate any risk to this threat and taking similar actions to protect our systems and devices. We are sharing this information with all staff so you can help us keep AHS secure and ensure your own devices are protected.

For more information on how to protect yourself and AHS online, visit Infocare for resources.

On Other Channels...

Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels:


Connect Care Satisfaction Survey - Conversation on Findings (UPDATED LINK for Sep 21)

Connect Care prescribers are invited to a conversation about what is working and what to prioritize for improvement in the Connect Care clinical information system.

This conversation will provide an opportunity to discuss the findings of the Connect Care satisfaction survey conducted in February and March 2023 (previously mentioned here), and to hear your thoughts on the actions that are being taken to address your feedback. 

Two sessions are available for this conversation: one jointly hosted by AHS and the AMA, and one hosted by AHS for AHS staff and prescribers. To register/attend, click on the relevant link below. (Please note: Physicians may receive two email invitations, one for each of these sessions - physicians can choose to attend one or both sessions, at their convenience.) 

If you have any questions in advance of the conversation, please email community.engagement@ahs.ca.


MyAHS Connect - Prescriber Self Sign-up Available

We previously posted that the ability for Connect Care prescribers and AHS staff to activate their own MyAHS Connect account had to be temporarily turned off following the Fall Upgrade. We are happy to announce that a workaround has been found, and this self sign-up functionality has been turned back on. 

The self sign-up initiative enables Connect Care prescribers to activate their own MyAHS Connect account and experience firsthand the benefits of a full-feature patient portal. Personal access can also help clinicians help patients who ask questions about patient portal functions. Nearly 5,200 AHS staff and prescribers have completed the self sign-up process to activate their own MyAHS Connect account.

Instructions on how to complete a self sign-up request are available on Insite (the AHS intranet). Note that the links will only work when logged on to an intranet (within AHS) location. It is also possible to open the Clinician Manual from within Connect Care (F1 key for pop-up help, then Clinician Manual link at top of middle column), go to the Patient Portal page, then follow the sign-up link from there:


All User Bulletin - Issues with Links to AHS MS Office and SharePoint Files

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Links to MS Office and SharePoint Assets
Many users have noticed broken links to resources like training demonstrations, workflow guides and other Connect Care information and support resources. Others are having difficulty with the logon step presented when accessing Alberta Health Services (AHS) Office or SharePoint applications, especially on mobile and Apple devices.

A recent update to the authentication step in Microsoft file links may relate to these difficulties.

Links and logons are usually re-established with the following corrective:
  • Close all Internet browsers (Safari, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) on the local device.
  • Open a preferred browser (Chrome recommended).
  • Clear the Internet cache (history), paying particular attention to include "Cookies" and Internet history for "all time" (i.e., not just the last day or so).
  • Close the browser.
  • Reopen (possibly reboot the computer first) the browser and re-navigate to the resource of interest.

On Other Channels...

Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels:


All User Bulletin - Change to Calgary Historic Patient Data Viewer

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Changes to Calgary Historic Patient Data Viewer
We previously posted about a read-only Connect Care viewer for digital health record information previously managed through the Calgary Zone SCM clinical information system (CIS). Access was provided via a main-panel or sidebar display within opened Connect Care charts.
Changes to the Calgary CIS viewer break compatibility with in-system displays. Accordingly, as of 11:00 on September 14, 2023, the viewer will open in a pop-up window. This will continue to automatically synchronize with the current patient. The window will close when one navigates to a different patient within Connect Care.
Restoration of an embedded viewer is anticipated for first quarter 2024.