
All User Bulletin - Upgrade to Remote Access for Connect Care

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Change to User Interface for Connect Care Remote Access
Clinicians can access Connect Care via Alberta Health Services (AHS) networks in AHS facilities (internal access) using the Unified Access Portal (UAP, myapps.ahs.ca). They can also use Connect Care when outside AHS facilities (external or remote access) via the same UAP link. The experience is similar with the exception that remote logons require a security code in addition to one's AHS user name and password.
On June 28, 2023, the externally accessible UAP is upgraded to a new "VMWare Workspace ONE Platform". This is a "like-for-like" upgrade with few changes to the user experience:
  • Instead of entering a user name, password and security code on a single logon page, the user name and password are entered on a first page, after which a prompt appears to enter the RSA SecurID code if required. This will allow for selective use of security codes in future, prompting only when needed for clinical applications.
  • Users may need to re-create personalized website bookmarks that may have been saved in the prior UAP environment.
  • In some cases, users may need to re-select favourite applications (most previously selected favourites should have ported over).


Dragon Medical One - Launch 6 Personalization Sessions

Personalization sessions for Connect Care's in-system dictation software, Dragon Medical One (DMO), are coming up for Connect Care Launch 6 prescribers. Those in previous launches (1-5) are also welcome to attend.

The personalization sessions are scheduled for the following dates/times:

  • Thursday, June 29, 2023: 18:00-19:00
  • Wednesday, July 5, 2023: 12:00-13:00

Registration is through MyLearningLink (MLL) (course name: Dragon Medical One (DMO) - Dictation Optimization Sessions), and sessions are via Zoom.