
Readiness Activities in Full Swing

Summer's over! With the start of September, the shift from design-build-validation to training-readiness-implementation is daunting... but also exhilarating!

We have already trained more Edmonton Wave 1 physicians that ever were trained to use the former eCLINICIAN system. Multiples parallel streams of classes run all-day, all-week. At the same time, there is a flurry of iterative tweaking as clinicians view and validate the decision, documentation and inquiry supports they helped design. And practitioners of all types dig deeper into readiness activities. There are many this month:

  • 60 day Launch Readiness assessment
    taking stock of all that has to happen to be ready for launch; this time with the clinical information system users taking the lead.
  • Shadow Charting
    where complex, high-impact and high-volume documentation workflows are tried alongside real patient encounters in order to smooth any rough workflows before launch.
  • Patient Movement Day
    when transitions and handoffs are tested to ensure that modules and clinical domains can work together across a complex patient journey.
  • First personalization labs
    when clinicians learn how to shape the CIS to better suit their needs and style.
We'll keep posting!