
Toronto University Health Network Joins the Club

The University Health Network in Toronto is about to go live with its "Synapse" implementation of Epic Systems' digital health record. This brings a number of additional hospitals, including the Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital and others, into the Canadian Epic community. More opportunity to share and learn!


New Path to Connect Care Help Ticket Submissions

The Connect Care Concierge (help.connect-care.ca) service connects users with resources so that problems can be addressed efficiently. Sometimes, issue reports or requests involve submitting a "Help Desk Ticket" via the Concierge website.

A new enhancement facilitates streamlined ticket submissions directly from within Connect Care. The embedded process spares users entering some details (Connect Care passes the information to the ticketing system automatically) while making it easier to simultaneously submit screen shots that might illustrate a problem.

"Connect Care Help Ticket" submissions within Connect Care can be initiated from the main menu (help subsection), chart search and the universal learning home dashboard (F1 key).


Connect Care Provider Portal

With Connect Care growing in Alberta, physicians not using the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) wonder about how they can follow their patients where Connect Care is the record of care. 

A key tool is the Connect Care Provider Portal (CCPP). This connects external providers to the Connect Care CIS, allowing them to request consults, schedule appointments, securely communicate, place orders, and exchange secure messages with colleagues. They can receive notifications about important patient events (e.g., admission, transfer, discharge) and view updates about lab, imaging, test and procedure results. They can also request and follow consultations. The clinical content of the Connect Care health record, including images, care plans, notes, letters and documents can be viewed.

A portals committee oversees CCPP design and deployment and welcomes input from interested providers.


Updates to Isolation Discontinuation Orders for COVID-19

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Discontinuation of Isolation Orders

Inpatient and emergency patients can be placed on contact and/or droplet and/or airborne precautions by means of an "Initiate Isolation" order. A different order is required to remove isolation precautions already in place. 

Since April 9, 2021, “Discontinue Isolation” orders have had properties that reflect COVID-19 policies. These were updated March 28, 2022, to simplify workflows while providing relevant clinical information within the ordering workflow. 

The discontinue isolation order is unchanged for most exposures. It is no longer necessary to independently document reasons for discontinuation in COVID-19 contexts. Rather, ordering prescribers are provided with links to the latest discontinuation criteria together with links to information that can help decide if the criteria are met.


On Other Channels...

Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels:

Launch 4 OBIX Perinatal Online Education & Training (P.O.E.T.) Begins April 4

OBIX Perinatal Interface Software is a provincial bedside solution which automates the delivery of fetal health information from the electronic fetal monitor (EFM) to the electronic health record (EHR) in Connect Care. During Connect Care Launch 4 on May 28, 2022, all Labour and Delivery (L&D) and non-L&D sites that have an EFM and are launching Connect Care will implement OBIX. The implementation of OBIX Perinatal Interface Software allows electronic sharing of the fetal heart rate (FHR) from the EFM to the Connect Care EHR for obstetrical patients, and makes this information available at bedside, on central monitors and via devices at other locations throughout Alberta. As it expands throughout Alberta, the provincial OBIX network supports better outcomes for maternal and newborn patients in Alberta. 

OBIX training will allow providers to become familiar with the interface. The training is additional to Connect Care launch training, is delivered entirely online, and takes about 30 minutes for physicians, medical learners and nurse practitioners. On April 4, you will receive an email to your AHS email from OBIX Perinatal Online Education and Training (P.O.E.T.) with instructions for how to access your OBIX training. To be prepared for the launch, please complete your training before May 20, 2022. Care can still be provided prior to completing OBIX training by managing the patient in Connect Care and viewing EFM records at the bedside if they are not on the chart.