
Update Your Applications to Protect Yourself and AHS

AHS has recently learned of a global security flaw found in numerous applications and services.

This vulnerability (found in an image library called “libwebp”) affects several well-known applications, including many you may use on your personal devices such as Skype, Slack, Discord, Twitch, Microsoft Teams and Adobe Photoshop. A list of currently known applications can be found here.

As soon as possible, please update all browsers and applications on your personal devices. As a best practice, you should always keep your browsers, applications and operating systems up-to-date. This will be particularly important over the coming days and weeks, as applications discover whether they are vulnerable to this security flaw and apply fixes. 

AHS is taking steps to mitigate any risk to this threat and taking similar actions to protect our systems and devices. We are sharing this information with all staff so you can help us keep AHS secure and ensure your own devices are protected.

For more information on how to protect yourself and AHS online, visit Infocare for resources.