
Connect Care - Change in Timing for Wave 3

The impact of COVID-19 on our health system has been carefully evaluated and a decision made to change the timing and scope of upcoming Connect Care launch waves. Given the increasing demands of COVID-19 on frontline staff, physicians, programs and services, it is prudent to delay the next wave of Connect Care, originally scheduled for February 2021. 

Wave 3 of Connect Care will launch in two parts: 
  1. The portion planned for North Zone will launch April 10, 2021
  2. The Calgary Zone portion will be further reviewed in consultation with zone leaders and teams. 
AHS remains committed to keeping the full Connect Care implementation within the originally-planned timeframe. Dates for future launches will be communicated as pandemic adjustments are firmed up. 

Despite the change in Wave timing, the bulk of Connect Care preparations continue, including:
  • Infrastructure and technology work, including WIFI upgrades, facility preparations, and device deployment and testing
  • Continued support for Waves 1 and 2 to aid the stabilization of those sites and programs
  • Building and validation work for Waves 3-7
  • Building and preparing training support, leadership teams and other roles necessary for upcoming launches.