
Changes to Available Lab Results in MyHealth Records/My Personal Records

Effective June 15, 2021, lab tests for microbiology and blood bank will be released immediately to Alberta Health’s MyHealth Records, in the My Personal Records (MPR) application. This change is part of Alberta Health’s rollout of expanded result release, which began in February 2021, to provide Albertans with more access to their health information.

Once the changes are in place, new MPR users will see an 18-month retrospective view of any lab results slated for release. Existing MPR users will not have labs added retroactively, but they will be able to see the expanded lab results moving forward. 

As is the standard practice, Connect Care releases these lab test results to MyAHS Connect. What’s new is that, as of June 15, 2021, these specific lab test results will be released immediately to MyAHS Connect, instead of being delayed by five days as they were previously. This means that patients will have immediate access to more of their own lab results and may have questions for their healthcare providers about them. As part of the overall rollout plan, Alberta Health is planning to release additional lab test results to MPR in the coming months. We will provide more details regarding the next planned release as we have them. MyAHS Connect result release will change to immediate for results being released in MPR as they become available. 

Alberta Health is providing support to Albertans through the MyHealth.Alberta.ca website and a 24-hour telephone line at 1-844-401-4016. Albertans can also call HealthLink at 811 for health-related inquiries.