
Netcare - eDelivery Adjustments

Connect Care's Wave 2 launch has onboarded a number of physicians who manage "hybrid" health record experiences. Some work (e.g., inpatient or emergency) is at sites where the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) is the record of care and other work (e.g., office visits) is at locations where an electronic medical record is used.

Results and report delivery considerations can be complex during transitional periods. All routable test results and reports for work at a Connect Care venue deliver to In Basket. If the physician has requested eDelivery to their external Electronic Medical Record (EMR), there may be duplicative results routing. There are strategies to manage this, which we will re-post in the coming days.

In addition to laboratory test results and diagnostic imaging reports, providers may receive eDelivery of "summative" reports relating to their patients. These include admission histories, inpatient consults, operative reports, discharge summaries, labour & delivery reports and emergency room reports. 

Some providers have also received eDelivered inpatient progress notes that they authored for their patients in Connect Care. The automated eDelivery of non-summative documentation has been halted. As of November 4, 2020, only summative inpatient Connect Care documentation is eDelivered to external EMRs.