
Getting Ready - Implementation Stream Activities

This is a busy time! While we have done well to design the clinical content to be used at Wave 1 launch, there are growing demands for stakeholder contributions to the testing and validation of that content. In parallel, demand grows for physician participation in a wide range of launch readiness activities.

We've already heard about Launch Readiness Assessments and Workflow Walkthroughs. In addition, implementation stream activities include a number of other practical tasks. Watch for more information about the following:
  1. Launch Readiness assessments: Structured comprehensive reviews of each Connect Care project stream, identifying risks and mitigation plans. These occur at 150, 129, 90, 60, and 30 days pre-launch.
  2. Shadow Charting: Relevant to a limited number of complex or high-risk workflows and  applications, users document cases in both legacy and Connect Care environments, providing an invaluable opportunity to check devices, interfaces, multi-disciplinary workflows, and information flows.
  3. Appointment conversion: The conversion of appointments, referrals, cases, and waitlists from legacy systems into Connect Care.
  4. Abstraction: Patient information not converted may be manually entered into outpatient charts ahead of launch.
  5. Cutover: Key information and orders for admitted patients is entered into Connect Care in the 24-48 hours prior to launch. Cutover includes both technical and clinical elements.
  6. Protocol Conversion: Many complex or timed protocols, primarily in Oncology and Research, will be converted for continuation in Connect Care.
  7. Command Centre: Safe and well-coordinated surveillance, leadership and trouble-shooting support rapid, efficient and responsive issues detection and resolution while deploying assets like Super Users to areas of greatest need.
To learn more about readiness activities, visit the Connect Care Readiness page on Insite (AHS login required).