
All User Bulletin - Ordering Audiology Consults

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all physicians need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Ordering Audiology Consults

As of Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at noon, specialty audiology exams that were previously available to be searched for and ordered by physicians will only be orderable by Audiology prescribers, who can best select a specific intervention appropriate to the clinical need.  
Going forward, physicians seeking specific audiology procedures should place an “Inpatient Consult to Audiology” order for inpatients or "Ambulatory Referral to Audiology" for outpatients. If a specific intervention is wanted, this can be added to the comments section of the consult/referral order. An Audiologist will then place the required procedure order(s) and make appropriate arrangements for assessment.

Entering "hearing" or "audiology" as term in the Order Search will bring up the consult or referral order options.