
Connect Care in the Media

Alberta news media reports today that Connect Care launch waves are delayed due to COVID-19. 

This is old information. There is no news that should concern Connect Care stakeholders. 

The media references decisions made at the beginning of the pandemic; decisions long integrated into project planning, delivery and communication.  There are no new delays or other impacts to the upcoming Wave 2 launch scheduled for October 24, 2020.

Connect Care remains one of Alberta Health Service’s top organizational priorities.  Delaying the previously planned Wave 2 launch allowed Connect Care to redirect efforts to development and implementation of COVID-related clinical content and to fast-track public health supports and interfaces that otherwise would have occured in later waves. In short, Connect Care did not slow or pause... it accelerated to address an urgent provincial challenge. 

In addition, teams were able to give more time to post-launch optimization and to redesign of training programs to be more pandemic-tolerant. All clinical content required for the next waves is ready to go, including the validation of content for specialties that are new to Connect Care like Women’s Health. 

Everything is tracking well for the October 24 wave 2 launch, with site readiness work near completion and end user training well underway.