
Second Provincial Physician Informatics Leads Workshop

A big thanks to the many physician leaders who gave so generously of their time and energy to participate in the second provincial Connect Care physician leads meeting (September 27) in Calgary. The half-day session focused on:

  • Connect Care Training - with review and input to physician training principles, curriculum planning, certification and participation plans.
  • Clinical System Design - with updates about immediate specialty customization priorities and strategies for speeding the work of Area Councils and Specialty Workgroups as they grapple with CSD work packages.
  • Orderset Design - with ratification of a strategy for leveraging knowledge leads, knowledge topic leads and clinical informatics leads to accelerate implementation of a modular approach to producing the many order sets that Connect Care will express at implementation.
  • Demonstration Support - with demonstration of processes and methods for accessing and mastering Connect Care online environments that can be used to support design and engagement activities.

A gathering of so many talented clinicians — all readied, committed and attached to Connect Care transformation — is a “tipping point” accomplishment. More important than any number of workflow, design or content decisions, is an organized clinician community that can continue to observe, learn and decide about clinical information system optimization well into the future. Our executive, design, informatics, builder and training physician leadership is established and ready. Networked provincially, this increasingly impactful community is a key to Connect Care success.

Many physician informatics leads helped prepare for, or even deliver, Connect Care Adoption & Validation 3 sessions. Participants remarked at the fundamental shift this represents… we can see ourselves in a system shaped to our purpose.

Physician leaders also continue tireless service to Connect Care committees, councils, specialty workgroups and projects. We are at provincial peak-effort right now and must somehow continue the clinical system design (CSD) sprint through the next 3 months. Getting solid foundational content will pay dividends for decades.