
Connect Care Kick-off

More than 2,400 Alberta Health Services (AHS) staff, physicians and volunteers gathered in Edmonton today for the first of three Direction Setting sessions. The event also gave opportunity to celebrate the start of the Connect Care journey. We were thrilled to have deputy minister of health Milton Sussman and AHS CEO Verna Yiu ground our efforts with a strong sense of purpose and value.

A massive conference, with countless sessions intricately streamed, the true impact may have less to do with direction setting and more to do with direction sharing. One feels that AHS has matured as a provincial organization, fully able to rally around a common intent and shared commitment. There will be many challenges along the way -- and success is far from assured -- but today one felt fuel for progress!

One of our Fort McMurray colleagues, Dr. Mayank Singal, captured the spirit well:
“We’re on the first day of the Direction Setting sessions, and it was a very encouraging and exciting morning. And I am amazed by the potential that we have here. I really do believe that in 5 to 10 years from now we will have the most amazing infrastructure in Canada, and perhaps the world.”